A Study on the physical education of YMCA in the period of the national erasure under the regime of Japan 체육사 : 일제하 민족말살기의 YMCA 체육에 관한 연구
윤공화EunGong-wha , 김재우KimJae-woo , 고재곤GoJae-gone
39(2) 11-22, 2000
A Study on the physical education of YMCA in the period of the national erasure under the regime of Japan 체육사 : 일제하 민족말살기의 YMCA 체육에 관한 연구
윤공화EunGong-wha , 김재우KimJae-woo , 고재곤GoJae-gone
This paper was trying to examine physical education of YMCA in the period of the national erasure under the colonial regime of Japan with focusing on the process of degeneration, the background and the content.
In 1937, Japan which brought about the Chinese-Japanese War forced colonial Korea to act the role of a supply commissary base for the war, besides it advocated Nae Sun Il Che(Korea and Japan is a country) as the most important goal of a regime to construct the more powerful system of war.
Japan had developed policies such as, the entire mobilization of people’s minds, Shin Sa Cham Bae(a worship at a temple) and Chang Ssi Gae Myung(changing names) to achieve the intention of Nae Sun Il Che. Japan especially united korean religious groups which were against the Japanese spirit to Japan’s under the strict religious policy. On August in 1938, YMCA was also united to the league of Japanese YMCA by those kinds of the policies. After the unity, all the business in korean YMCA was controled by Japanese people and, the contents were also rapidly degenerated to become Whang Guk Shin Min Wha(one is a imperial country and the other is a vassal country) by the Japanese colonial policy.
For that period, the YMCA athleticism of which the persons concerned had advocated was concentrated on encouraging Japanese martial arts and the way of the warrior. They also encouraged ‘an improvement in the national physique’, ‘radio gymnastic exercises’ and ‘a national gymnastics’ on which Japan stressed as a policy for the strengthening of war potential.
Activities for athletics in YMCA had somewhat animated with choosing hiking and wrestling until 1937. However, there started to reveal effects of Japanese militarism in the goal of athletic activities. Those effects were about ‘Physical Strength Development Patriotism’, The Nation Athletics Law’ A Boy Scout Training Law’, and ‘Public Welfare Movement’ etc.
YMCA also let players take part in ‘Japan Spirit Enhancement Foundation Gymnastics Game’ and ‘Japan Spirit Enhancement Judo Game’ for the purpose of raising Japanese spirit.
On the other hand all sorts of sports games of which YMCA opened to improve the technique of sports and raise the athletic mind were interfered from the Japanese athletic groups under the name of a ‘support’ and disappeared with ‘the fifteenth basketball league’ that was held in 1942 as the last one.
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A Study on the idea of physical education and sports in the Homeros Ages 체육사 : Homeros 시대의 체육·스포츠 사상 연구
39(2) 23-33, 2000
A Study on the idea of physical education and sports in the Homeros Ages 체육사 : Homeros 시대의 체육·스포츠 사상 연구
This study was meant to investigate the idea of physical education and sports as found in the two epics(Iliad and Odyssey) written by Homeros, from a view point of philosophy of physical education, and the following conclusions were drawn.
His view on the mind and the body refers to a whole being with action and wisdom, or the perfect personality with the beauty of the mind and the body in harmony.
His view on hygiene has it that human beings should resort not only to active body movement and refreshing rest and nourishment but also to the medical treatment of wounds.
His view on sports relates to competitive sports as a phenomenon of daily and recognized culture, favoring recreational sports, funeral events, guest-entertaining events and courtship events. His view on the ethics of sports is in close accord with modern sportsmanship, demanding as its virtue such things as justice, respect for others, observance of rules, respect for adults, high sense of morality, careful concern for the right and opinions of others, manners, generosity, high sense of fame, sympathy, trust, fair-play, modesty, patience, and self-restraint.
In conclusion, the event essence of the age of Homeros has not been succeeded to or developed as two totally-different kinds, that is, Sparta and Athena, but exerted a considerable influence on the mind of the Greeks as a whole, with the help of which could the ancient Olympic Games be held.
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The Relationship Between Taekwondo Training Type of Physical self-efficacy and Mental of Martial Art 체육철학 : 태권도 수련형태와 신체적 자기효능감 및 무도 정신력의 관계
김주훈KimJu-Hun , 김길평KimKil-Pyung
39(2) 37-47, 2000
The Relationship Between Taekwondo Training Type of Physical self-efficacy and Mental of Martial Art 체육철학 : 태권도 수련형태와 신체적 자기효능감 및 무도 정신력의 관계
김주훈KimJu-Hun , 김길평KimKil-Pyung
Through data analysis according to these methods and procedures, this study obtained the following findings:
First, The relationship between Taekwondo training type and the physical self-efficacy, the physical self-efficacy was shown to be much influenced by drill and directive typed instructor and the physical centering program.
Second, The physical self-efficacy, which were the Taekwondo training, appeared to have a significant effect on concentration, patience, courage and etiquette which were the inferior factors of Taekwondo mental.
Third, The relationship between Taekwondo training type and the mental of martial art, the drill, which was the children's Taekwondo training type and the directive typed instructor had a significant effect on patience and etiquette. However, authoritative typed instructors influenced children on courage, the physical centering program showed its effect on courage, too, the play centering program effected on etiquette, and the mentality centering program showed its influence on patience, courage and etiquette in Taekwondo mentality of martial art.
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A Re-examination of Sport Philosophy ; Literature and Philosophy Based on an explication of Wittgenstein's 「Tractatus Logico-Philisophicus」 체육철학 : 체육철학(體育哲學) 재(再) 음미(吟味) ; 문학(文學)과 철학(哲學) - 비트겐슈타인의 『논리철학논고(論理哲學論考)』 에 바탕을 둔 해명(解明)
39(2) 48-59, 2000
A Re-examination of Sport Philosophy ; Literature and Philosophy Based on an explication of Wittgenstein's 「Tractatus Logico-Philisophicus」 체육철학 : 체육철학(體育哲學) 재(再) 음미(吟味) ; 문학(文學)과 철학(哲學) - 비트겐슈타인의 『논리철학논고(論理哲學論考)』 에 바탕을 둔 해명(解明)
Analytic philosophy, which became codified with the writings of Wittgenstein, Russel and Frege, has not been able to solve many fundamental philosophical problems that have been with us since the time of the Greeks. This is due, in part, to a flawed view of the world and mankind which leads to a kind of "logical confusion". Therefore, the function of philosophy is to ameliorate that confusion by analyzing the concept of language. In Wittgenstein's Tractus, all investigations begin by asking what the standard reference of meaning is. After that, where "truth or falseness" could not be determined, the object was considered nonsense. In this way, traditional objects of metaphysical or axiological investigation were excluded.
This paper examined philosophic terms in physical education based on Wittgensteins' Tractus. The results showed that, subjects which had been classified as meaningless when truth or falseness could not be verified were common and that such texts were not in the category of philosophic texts as much as they were literary texts.
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A study for a Purpose-Estabilishment of the Theory of Physical Education on the concept of Leisure 체육철학 : 현대적 여가 개념에 대한 체육교육론의 목표설정을 위한 연구
39(2) 60-66, 2000
A study for a Purpose-Estabilishment of the Theory of Physical Education on the concept of Leisure 체육철학 : 현대적 여가 개념에 대한 체육교육론의 목표설정을 위한 연구
This study came to a conclusion by consideration whether the physical education-theory must be grafted a content or not, with set up the concept of leisure in a modernistic, future viewpoint, as follow.
The concept of leisure made up a confrontational relation in the past days. The work and the leisure, however, were developed to a additional stage with each other, not to be opposed and divided, but to be coexisted mutuality. In this way, we must be thought that a true leisure came into being relation only to be permanent existence the relative conception.
But first recognized conception of mutual the individual object, the unificative hamony-relation was a conception be formed one shape body with both. This conception was comprehended one-body it to be the phenomenon of co-work by a form of coexistanse. This unificative hamony-relation was a conception of combined purpose, this conception outputed a true creative activities. This conception was founded on to created a true happiness of human with a good production-potential energy. The physical education needed to set up a educational purpose and objective for a creative conception of leisure.
Therefore, we must be prepared the theory of physical education for a new conception of leisure to be educated in standpoint of the physical education, by a 'self-completion' with purpose of leisure-education and by 'a manifestation of creativity through these activities of leisure self-purpose' and 'self-expression' etc with the objective of it.
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A New Direction in Discourse on Sport Ethics 체육철학 : 스포츠 윤리(倫理) 담론(談論)의 새로운 방향(方向)
정웅근ChungEung-keun , 김홍식KimHong-sik
39(2) 67-76, 2000
A New Direction in Discourse on Sport Ethics 체육철학 : 스포츠 윤리(倫理) 담론(談論)의 새로운 방향(方向)
정웅근ChungEung-keun , 김홍식KimHong-sik
This paper investigated the current trends in writings on sport ethics and suggested a direction for more meaningful dialogue in the field. The current basis of understanding in the field of sport ethics is the move away from individual ethics to societal ethics. In sport ethics discourse, both the individual entity and the societal structure must be considered. To be more specific, the social ethics approach can be seen as an attempt to overcome the limitations of the previously predominant individual ethics approach. However, the current social ethics approach does not adequately deal with the political and economic realities that make up the existence of current athletes. Therefore, in the future, discourse on sport ethics must embrace not only societal structures, but the reality of the individual entity, that is, the relationship between ethical behavior and the comprehensive conditions of the individual's life(habitus).
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The counterplans in physical education about the appearance of human done and the life engineering 체육철학 : 복제인간의 출현 및 생명공학에 대한 체육학의 대처
주동진JooDong-Jin , 김동규KimDong-Kyoo
39(2) 77-85, 2000
The counterplans in physical education about the appearance of human done and the life engineering 체육철학 : 복제인간의 출현 및 생명공학에 대한 체육학의 대처
주동진JooDong-Jin , 김동규KimDong-Kyoo
The purpose of this study was to explore the problems of human clone in terms of ethical aspects in physical education. This study was basically based on the review of literatures. It was very necessary to consider the trends and predictable situation caused by human clone in terms of physical education. The problems caused by human clone related to sports and physical education fields were as follows : 1) The body transplantation to improve a competition ability. 2) The fabrication through transplantation of organ conditions to improve a competition ability. The life engineering can make an ideal human body with manipulated hormone. 3) The act for modification of external aesthetics. 4) The issues caused by transformation of human DNA and DNA manipulated food intake. Physical education could not neglect the organ cloning related to the life engineering because physical education have been a field about human body and human activities. The counterplans in physical education against human cloning were as follows : 1) It should be banned sports activity for human clone. 2) The combined researches should be done in the field of medical science, life engineering, philosophy and physical education. 3) It needed for specialized organization to control the body transplantation and to handle the transformation of human DNA. 4) Leisure sports needed to promote for avoiding the winning-centered spirit. Leisure and health should be final objectives of sports.
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Analysis on the Perceived Factors of Members Cooperation Exercise Groups 스포츠사회학 : 협동 운동집단 성원의 인지적 요인 분석
39(2) 89-95, 2000
Analysis on the Perceived Factors of Members Cooperation Exercise Groups 스포츠사회학 : 협동 운동집단 성원의 인지적 요인 분석
The purpose of this investigation, there are perceived factors by group members after completing team tasks and team task situations of cooperation group with intergroup competition and cooperation group without intergroup competition? Subjects were 84 female students from middle schools located in Seoul. The methode of this study was experimental design and they completed their responses at the non-structured questionnaires after experiment, this data were collected and analyzed using content analysis (Weber, 1990). From the analysis of the data, the following findings were obtained.
Group members performed under the situation of cooperation with intergroup competition perceive the task performing stronger as achievement and winning than the other group members, while group members performed under the situation of cooperation without intergroup competition perceive the task performing stronger as intimacy and difficulty than the other group members. However, the group members of two groups altogether primarily feel the task performing fun.
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The Difference of the Group Attraction on Sport Orientation Level in Competitive Sport Groups 스포츠사회학 : 경쟁 스포츠 집단의 스포츠 참가지향 수준에 따른 집단매력의 차이
강효민KangHyo-Min , 최강진Choikang-Jin
39(2) 96-104, 2000
The Difference of the Group Attraction on Sport Orientation Level in Competitive Sport Groups 스포츠사회학 : 경쟁 스포츠 집단의 스포츠 참가지향 수준에 따른 집단매력의 차이
강효민KangHyo-Min , 최강진Choikang-Jin
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of the group attraction on sport orientation level in competitive sport group. Subject for this study consisted of athletes of water polo team sport(8team, 84 subjects) 84 respondents questionnaires were used as data analysis. The methods of statistics used to analyze the collected data are analysis of covariance and multiple classification analysis.
The result this study demonstrates that higher competition orientation groups should be directed toward decision-making process and individual effectiveness. And higher goal orientation groups need to be directed toward decision-making process and effectiveness expectation to participant. The higher winning orientation groups are shown to be highly membership relationship, group member relation, individual effectiveness, effectiveness expectation to participant.
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The sub-culture properties of adolescent dance 스포츠사회학 : 청소년 댄스의 하위문화적 특성에 관한 연구
김숙영KimSook-Young , 원영신WonYoung-Shin
39(2) 105-115, 2000
The sub-culture properties of adolescent dance 스포츠사회학 : 청소년 댄스의 하위문화적 특성에 관한 연구
김숙영KimSook-Young , 원영신WonYoung-Shin
The purpose of the study was to reveal the adolescent dance culture in the respect of their environmental and mass cultural factors and to find the implications of body culture considering adolescent dance as the sub-culture.
The adolescents in Korea, though in period of vigor in lifetime, lead a life in constrained circumstances and in many cases express their desires and feelings through consumptive culture produced by mass culture. Dance culture itself also has contained commercial culture through mass-media. There are several reasons for the adolescents easily accept dance as one of their culture: (1) the stress dissolution through bodily participation; (2) gratification of desire to be identified themselves with the stars, (3) the feeling of relief in peer group that somewhat involved, (4) probability of being the positive producers of dance culture with making use of mass-media.
Although the adolescents dance culture accepts the mass dance of the older generation, they do not only take dance as commodity itself, but reproduce it according to their meanings and signs creating their own new languages and styles. What they make are in positive practical process.
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The Influence of Participation Motivation on the Satisfaction of Winter Sports Activity Parrticipants - Focused'dn ski & snowboard participants - 스포츠사회학 : 동계스포츠 참가자의 스포츠 참여동기가 참여만족에 미치는 영향 - 스키와 스노우보드 참가자를 중심으로 -
39(2) 116-125, 2000
The Influence of Participation Motivation on the Satisfaction of Winter Sports Activity Parrticipants - Focused'dn ski & snowboard participants - 스포츠사회학 : 동계스포츠 참가자의 스포츠 참여동기가 참여만족에 미치는 영향 - 스키와 스노우보드 참가자를 중심으로 -
The purpose of this study was to analyse and examine the relation between the winter sports activity participants' participation motivation and their participation satisfaction. The subject of this study consisted of the current residents of Seoul city between 14 and 25 year old age which were summed up total 423 from 450 using purposive sampling method.
The measurement of participation motivation was based on the original research of Ragheb & Beard(1980, 1983) and later Kim, Ji-hyun(1992), Kim, Hyung-joon(1992), and Rho, Kyung-Ah(1992). Also, the measurement of participation satisfaction was based on the previous research of Lee, Jong-kil(1992), Won, Hyung-joong(1994), Park, Soo-jeong(1996), and Kim, Na-mi(1997), and was modified appropriately to this study and tested the validity and the reliability.
The statistics employed in this study were Pearson's correlation test and multiple regression analysis. On the basis of the results analysed, the conclusions were drawn as follows:
First, the participation motivation of the winter sports activity participants have statistically significant correlation with the participation satisfaction.
Second, the participation motivation of the winter sports activity participants influence statistically significantly on the participation satisfaction. Among them, intellectual participation motivation factors influence significantly on physiological, psychological, educational participation satisfaction, and the recreational participation motivation factors influence on educational and rest participation satisfaction.
In addition, the cognitive efficacy participation motivation factors influence on physiological, psychological, educational, recreational, environmental participation satisfaction, and the sociological participation motivation factors influence on physiological, sociological, environmental participation satisfaction.
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A Study on Relationships between Office Workers Life Styles and Flow Experience of Participation in Sports 스포츠사회학 : 직장인의 라이프 스타일과 스포츠참여 몰입정도와의 관계
박문환ParkMoon-Hwan , 이제홍LeeJae-hong
39(2) 126-138, 2000
A Study on Relationships between Office Workers Life Styles and Flow Experience of Participation in Sports 스포츠사회학 : 직장인의 라이프 스타일과 스포츠참여 몰입정도와의 관계
박문환ParkMoon-Hwan , 이제홍LeeJae-hong
The purpose of this study is to investigate relationships between the types of office workers' life styles and participation in sports, and furthermore to examine how life styles affect flow experience of participation in sports.
The 100 female and male employees were selected from big companies in Seoul and by systematic stratified cluster randomly sampling.
The questionnaire designed for this study were reliable through Cronbach Test( α = .7214 ∼ .8951). The method of statistics for data analysis were used by correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression.
The result of this study are as follows.
First, the data revealed that health, fashion-oriented, nihilism, self-confidence, self-discipline, weak-willingness, sports-oriented, and goal-attainment were significant variables of life styles to affect flow experience of participation in sports.
Second, the data revealed that health, nihilism, self-confidence, self-confidence, weak-willingness and sports-oriented of life styles orderly affected consistency between thought and behavior in participation in sports.
Third, the data revealed that health, goal-attainment and self-discipline orderly had an influence of harmony of sports activities in participation in sports.
Fourth, the date revealed that sports-oriented, self-confidence, nihilism, weak- willingness, self-discipline orderly had an influence of the degree of emotional devotion in participation in sports.
Fifth, the data revealed that sports-oriented, nihilism, self-discipline of life styles affected loss of time and space concept in the situation of mass sport participation.
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Roles and Tasks of Sport Leader for promotion of Club Sport System 스포츠사회학 : 클럽 스포츠 활성화를 위한 체육지도자의 역할과 과제
39(2) 139-153, 2000
Roles and Tasks of Sport Leader for promotion of Club Sport System 스포츠사회학 : 클럽 스포츠 활성화를 위한 체육지도자의 역할과 과제
The purpose of this study is to grope for the legitimate and systematic training and utilization plan of club sport leader, based on the suggestion for principle of development of sport leader for promotion of club sport, and analysis of current status and problems of training system of sport leader.
Principles of development of sport leader for promotion of club sport are suggested stabilized security of superior sport leader, training of knowledge sport leader, and establishment of efficient utilizing and management system of club sport leader.
Problems of current training system of sport leader are indicated disproportion of demand and supply, insufficient training system, low quality and profession, and weaken distribution and utilization system, and inferior working system and environment of sport leader.
Alternatives of training and utilization of sport leader compatible with club sport system are suggested strengthening training system, enhancing quality and capability, and systematic management and support of sport leader.
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The Influence of use of sport facilities on urban community development 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠 시설 이용시 도시 커뮤니티 형성에 미치는 영향
이유찬LeeYoo-chan , 윤종국YunJong-kook
39(2) 154-167, 2000
The Influence of use of sport facilities on urban community development 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠 시설 이용시 도시 커뮤니티 형성에 미치는 영향
이유찬LeeYoo-chan , 윤종국YunJong-kook
The migration of population due to industrialization and urbanization weakened people's community characteristic, and the traditional community was destructed. Therefore new community development is required to this situation. Based on this recognition, this study is to prove empirically the possibility of contribution toward new community development through various participation in sport of citizen.
As subjects for study, participants in sport among Taejon Metropolitan City residents were set up, and then total samples of 1,100 copies were collected using the cluster random sampling. Among them samples of 82 copies estimated either poor answers or worthless materials were excluded. Therefore, finally, samples of 1,018 copies were employed for data analysis.
Items of questionnaires related to community development were used after testing validity and reliability through preliminary test. As statistic techniques to analyze the collected data, Frequency analysis, correlation analysis, Multiple regression analysis of SPSSWIN were served
Results are as follows.
First, use of sport facilities has an effect on community affection.
Second, use of sport facilities has an effect on willingness for commitment.
Third, use of sport facilities has an effect on cognition of integration.
Forth, use of sport facilities has an effect on community evaluation.
This implies that through the medium of sport based on community sport facilities, contact of residents can get strong, in there community consciousness can get fostered, and affection, solidarity, role-feeling to the community can get awakened, and active community participation can get facilitated, therefore it can be an important mechanism to develope new ideal community.
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The cause of Sport Deviant Behavior 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠 일탈의 원인분석 및 이해
이정래LeeJung-Lae , 임수원LimSoo-Woen
39(2) 168-180, 2000
The cause of Sport Deviant Behavior 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠 일탈의 원인분석 및 이해
이정래LeeJung-Lae , 임수원LimSoo-Woen
This study shows the cause of positive and negative deviance in sports activity. 24 athlets composed of(professional 6, amateur 6, and national representative athlete 12) were picked up for the aims of the study by purposeful sampling. The method of the study was qualitative method and collections related to researches, interview, and field recording etc. were performed as the research materials. I analyzed the data by recording and examining the interviews, categorization, and connecting the data. The credibility was insured through review, the meeting of experts and analysis in various ways. I got to the conclusion as follow by the study and analysis.
The major cause for positive deviance was the demand of coach and manager, and the causes for negative deviance were unfair judgment by umpire, missing profitable conditions in a game, factors from frustration aggression, learning of deviance by colleagueship or significant others. The desire for personal achievement and unfair judgment by umpire were reasons for both positive and negative deviance. Moat causes of deviant behavior mentioned above were showed in team sports, and the desire for personal achievement, affection for the team and the force of coach and manager etc, were found.
There was no difference in cause of deviance according to the level of athlets. The whole, professional, amateur and national representative athlets committed deviant behavior due to the reason that mentioned above.
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The Influence of Sports Club Activity on Communication Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction among Workers 스포츠사회학 : 직장체육동호인의 스포츠 참가가 의사소통만족 및 직무만족에 미치는 영향
39(2) 181-190, 2000
The Influence of Sports Club Activity on Communication Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction among Workers 스포츠사회학 : 직장체육동호인의 스포츠 참가가 의사소통만족 및 직무만족에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sports club activity on communication satisfaction and job satisfaction among workers. For accomplishing this purpose of the study, the 654 subjects were selected by the systematic random sampling from the participants in sports club activity of workers located in chung-buk area.
Communication satisfaction was measured by the questionnaire based on Down and Hazen(1977) and Job satisfaction by Yoo(1991). Correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis, utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data were used in order to each hypothesis at a level .05.
From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained:
1. There was a positive correlation between duration and frequency of sports club activity participation and communication satisfaction and job satisfaction.
2. Duration and frequency at the sports club activity has an effect on the increase of communication satisfaction, but duration under controlling communication satisfaction has an effect on the increase of job satisfaction.
3. Duration at the sports club activity have direct effect with job satisfaction through communication satisfaction, having show indirect effect job satisfaction through communication satisfaction, but frequency at the sports club activity having show indirect effect with job satisfaction through communication satisfaction.
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The Relationship between Leisure Activity and Ego-Identity of Middle School Students 스포츠사회학 : 중학생의 여가 활동 참여와 자아정체감의 관계
조한범ChoHan-Beom , 김미향KimMee-Hyang , 김인재KimIn-Jae
39(2) 191-203, 2000
The Relationship between Leisure Activity and Ego-Identity of Middle School Students 스포츠사회학 : 중학생의 여가 활동 참여와 자아정체감의 관계
조한범ChoHan-Beom , 김미향KimMee-Hyang , 김인재KimIn-Jae
The purpose of this research is provided find out the relationship between leisure activity and Ego-Identity of middle school students.
To achieve this purpose, we established as population the second-grade students in middle school in the district of Seoul Education Agency. Then we abstracted 543 students our of selected 498 students as valid sampling, using cluster random sampling. The contents of the questionnaire used in the research are these : five questions on the socio-demographic characteristics, one question on participation patterns leisure activity, three questions on participation degree of leisure activity.
We used the Ego-Identity test by Park, A-Chung(1996). This test consists of total 64 questions on each 8 questions of sub-factors(self-reliance, self-acceptance, future-confidence, goal- directedness, the sense of initiative, intimacy, moratorium and identity confusion). Crombach's α values are .91 respectively.
To order to analyze the data, this study used reliability analysis, crosstabs analysis, ANCOVA, multiple classification analysis in a SPSS Version 7.5 for Windows.
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted :
1. According to the socio-demographic characteristics, the participation patterns of leisure activity showed that the male students took part higher in the sports activity and that the female students took part higher in the appreciation activity. According to the academic levels, the participation patterns of leisure activity showed that students under their 70 points have higher participation in the sports activity, students in their 70 points have higher participation in the appreciation activity and students over their 80 points have higher participation in the hobby-culture activity. This result is significant.
2. The Ego-Identity on the participation patterns of leisure activity showed that the students participating in the appreciation activity got higher scores in the sense of initiative factor, and that the students participating in the hobby-culture activity got higher scores in the future confidence factor. The result is significant.
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The Coordination Patterns of Arm Swing Movement in Bowling as a Function of Skill Level ; Analyses of Angle-Angle Plots 스포츠심리학 : 기술수준에 따른 볼링 스윙 동작의 협응형태 ; 각도 - 각도 도면 분석
김기웅KimKee-Woong , 이옥진LeeOk-Jin
39(2) 207-220, 2000
The Coordination Patterns of Arm Swing Movement in Bowling as a Function of Skill Level ; Analyses of Angle-Angle Plots 스포츠심리학 : 기술수준에 따른 볼링 스윙 동작의 협응형태 ; 각도 - 각도 도면 분석
김기웅KimKee-Woong , 이옥진LeeOk-Jin
The angle-angle plot is assumed to reflect coordination variables, giving insight into inter-segmental coordination in human movement. However, correlation coefficient is used to quantify angle-angle plots only on the condition that the plot meets the linearity assumption. Considering these points, the present study intended to compare the angle-angle plots(shoulder-elbow, shoulder-wrist, and elbow-wrist) in throwing movements of bowling as a function of skill level. Analyses revealed that; 1) quantitative analyses(i.e., cross-correlation) could not be used to compare the coordination pattern of movement because the angle-angle plots did not meet the linearity assumption. 2) in subsequent qualitative analyses, experts were found to efficiently regulate freezing(in the second movement phase) as well as releasing of degrees of freedom(in the third movement phase) so as to meet task requirements, as compared to novices. Especially, in order to increase controllability at the second movement phase, experts adopted fixation strategy, whereas novices adopted coupling(in phase) strategy. It is suggested that qualitative analyses are not enough to interpret angle-angle relationship between distal joints. It is also suggested that regardless of linearity, similarity coefficient is used to quantify movement patterns in the future researches.
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Issues and Strategies Concerning Proposed Korean Sport Phychology Certification 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠심리상담사 자격제도 도입에 관한 구상
39(2) 221-235, 2000
Issues and Strategies Concerning Proposed Korean Sport Phychology Certification 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠심리상담사 자격제도 도입에 관한 구상
Certification serves to raise understanding and awareness of sport and exercise psychology for the sport community as well as the public at large. Sport and exercise psychology in Korea has faced the task of generating a certification procedures for identifying qualified sport and exercise psychology professionals. The purposes of this study were (a) to discuss different terminology regarding certification, (b) to define the nature of sport and exercise psychology that leads to the need of certification, (c) to provide a brief review of international development of sport and exercise psychology certification and associated criteria, (d) to review current certification procedures in the field of sport science and general psychology in Korea, (e) to present potential benefits of the existence of the certification process, and (f) to outline issues and strategies to develop and employ certification procedures in sport and exercise psychology.
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An Empirical Validity of the Confusion Behavior-Intention Model on the Exercise Behavior in Korea 스포츠심리학 : 한국인의 운동 참가 행동에 관한 유교문화권 행동 의도 모형의 실증적 타당성
김정수KimJung-Soo , 구자일KooJa-YII
39(2) 236-245, 2000
An Empirical Validity of the Confusion Behavior-Intention Model on the Exercise Behavior in Korea 스포츠심리학 : 한국인의 운동 참가 행동에 관한 유교문화권 행동 의도 모형의 실증적 타당성
김정수KimJung-Soo , 구자일KooJa-YII
The purpose of this study was to investigate the empirical validity of confusian behavior-intention model of exercise behavior which was developed to explain consumer behavior in Korea. Subjects(N = 347) were inhabitants of N city in C province who selected using systemic purposeful sampling. All subjects completed the attitude and intention for exercise questionnaire. Collected data were analyzed using correlation analysis, regression analysis, and structural equation modeling foe latent variables.
The conclusions were as following:
First, the confucian behavior-intention model of exercise behavior have empirical validity to explain exercise behavior in Korea.
Second, the direct effect of attitude toward exercise on exercise intention and behavior is greater than face saving and group confirmity pressure.
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Sport Psychology Measurement in Korea ; Content Analyses and Future Directions 스포츠심리학 : 한국 스포츠 심리측정의 내용분석과 미래 방향
39(2) 246-260, 2000
Sport Psychology Measurement in Korea ; Content Analyses and Future Directions 스포츠심리학 : 한국 스포츠 심리측정의 내용분석과 미래 방향
The purpose of this study was to systematically analyze of the contents of 205 tests used in the published studies in the two major Korean Journals(Korea Journal of Physical Education and Korean Journal of Sport Psychology) over 30 years(1969-1999), and then provide measurement issues and future directions in terms of cultural influence, psychometric procedures, and sport psychology practice. The contents of the psychological tests were analyzed, focusing on 'frequency of test', 'test content area', 'subject characteristics', 'sources of tests', 'test item and factor information' 'reliability and validity information'. The results of the analyses of the contents of the tests were summarized into five categories: 'increased use of tests', 'use of adapted tests', 'use to biased content area', 'variation of tests', and 'misuse or nonuse of reliability and validity tests'. On the basis of these results and other psychometric studies in the areas of sport psychology and measurement, this study provided the three broad measurement issues and strategies for future sport psychology measurement research in Korea: 1) development of Korean sport and exercise psychology measurement through 'fusion processes' of the different cultural constructs, 2) use of more rigorous psychometric procedures with advanced statical methods, 3) extension of availability of sport psychology measurement to theory testing and sport psychology practice in Korea
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The Effects of Practice on Anticipatory Postural Adjustments in Conditions of Postural Instability
39(2) 261-271, 2000
The Effects of Practice on Anticipatory Postural Adjustments in Conditions of Postural Instability
This study was to investigate the effects of practice on anticipatory postural adjustment(APA) while participants perform voluntary movement. Six healthy participants practiced load dropping a standard 2.2 ㎏ load from extended arm while standing on a board with a narrow support area in the sagittal plane(a total of 200 trails over 3 days). They were tested prior to practice and after practice under various movement. Electromyograms(EMGs) of six major postural muscles(erector spinae, ES; rectus abdominis, RA; biceps femoris, BF; rectus femoris, RF; soleus, SOL; and tibialis anterior, TA) were measured and integrated over time intervals. Typical of APAs; reaction forces and moments were also measured by a force platform.
APAs were seen with the EMG bursts or a period of suppression of the background EMG activity in ES, RF postural muscles for the load dropping movement. After practice, changes in the background EMG levels during APAs became larger and were accompanied by larger anticipatory shifts of the center of pressure. These changes were accompanied by better performance of the tasks as reflected by fewer incidents of lost balance. We concluded that practice of motor tasks associated with self-triggered postural perturbations led to an increase in APAs which was transferable to different tasks and different conditions of postural stability.
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The Correlation between Anaerobic Threshold and Muscle Fatigue Threshold during Arm Cranking 스포츠생리학 : 암에르고미터 운동시 무산소성 역치와 피로 역치 수준간의 상관관계
39(2) 275-284, 2000
The Correlation between Anaerobic Threshold and Muscle Fatigue Threshold during Arm Cranking 스포츠생리학 : 암에르고미터 운동시 무산소성 역치와 피로 역치 수준간의 상관관계
The purpose of this study was to weigh the usefulness of fatigue threshold(FT) by EMG against ventilatory threshold(VT), lactate threshold(LT), and onset of blood lactate accumulation(OBLA) using as indices of endurance. Ten male subjects employed for experiments were all healthy university students and their ages renged from 20 to 24 years. They performed maximal static cranking test, three power(50W, 75W, 100W) test for 5 min, 3min stage graded arm ergometer test for acquiring the data of dependent variables(VT from breathing gas, LT and OBLA from blood sample, FT from EMG).
The main findings were as follows;
1. Oxygen uptake(ℓ/min) and power(watts) at LT were significantly higher than those at VT, FT(p<0.01). But there were no significant differences among the OBLA, LT, FT.
2. Oxygen uptake at LT were correlated significantly with OBLA(γ=0.744, p<0.05), and also with FT (γ=0.793, p<0.05). But there were no significant correlation among the rest.
The study confirmed the previous findings that FT including VT, LT, OBLA accounted for large portion of the variance in endurance performance. It is concluded that FT is more useful than other indices related with the endurance of muscular activities.
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The effects of flexibility training on health related fitness in healthy adults 스포츠생리학 : 유연성 훈련이 성인의 건강체력에 미치는 영향
김광래KimKwang-Lae , 김태욱KimTae-Wook
39(2) 285-293, 2000
The effects of flexibility training on health related fitness in healthy adults 스포츠생리학 : 유연성 훈련이 성인의 건강체력에 미치는 영향
김광래KimKwang-Lae , 김태욱KimTae-Wook
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of regular flexibility training on health related fitness of the university men & women. The subject of present study were participated in 14 H university men and women(M=7, F=7). During the study period, they did not perform any regular physical activity that was health related fitness during the flexibility training program worked. The subjects were tested(pre, after 4weeks, after 8weeks) 7 categories of health related fitness factors which included % body fat, trunk flexion, trunk extension, grip strength(right, left), back strength, sit-up, vertical jump. The summary of the results of this study were as followed:
1. There were significant increase in vertical jump, trunk flexion, trunk extension after 8weeks flexibility training program in male student(P<.05).
2. There were significant increase in back strength, trunk flexion, trunk extension after 8weeks flexibility training program in female student(P<.05).
The study confirmed that flexibility training program of 8weeks improve not only flexibility, but also back strength, vertical jump. Therefore flexibility training is useful in exercising mode together with aerobic exercise, weight training for healthy adults.
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The Changes of Serum Lipid Metabolism by Long-Term Treadmill Exercise in Hyperlipidemia Female Olders 스포츠생리학 : 고지혈증 여성 고령자들의 장기간 트레드밀 운동에 의한 혈청 지질대사의 변화
김성헌KimSung-Hun , 김태운KimTae-Un , 고기준KoKi-Jun
39(2) 294-302, 2000
The Changes of Serum Lipid Metabolism by Long-Term Treadmill Exercise in Hyperlipidemia Female Olders 스포츠생리학 : 고지혈증 여성 고령자들의 장기간 트레드밀 운동에 의한 혈청 지질대사의 변화
김성헌KimSung-Hun , 김태운KimTae-Un , 고기준KoKi-Jun
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of continuous and intermittent treadmill exercise training on the change of serum lipids in hyperlipidemia female olders.
Subjects was selected among the hyperlipidemia female olders who were enlisted in the old medical center in P metropolitan city. These subjects were female olders with hyperlipidemia syndrome who agreed with intention and experimental content of this study.
Subjects were composed of 6 continuous group(average age of 71.2±2.3yrs) and 7 intermittent group(average age of 69,6±3.0yrs), total 13 members.
Continuous and intermittent treadmill exercise training program were performed with intensity of 65∼75% HRmax and RPE 13∼15, for 30 min/day, 3 times/week during 10 weeks.
The conclusion obtained from this study were as follows;
1. The value of TC after exercise has been increased significantly by 7.2%(P<.05) in continuous group, 13.4%(P<.001) in intermittent group.
2. The value of TG after exercise has been decreased significantly by 30.6%(P<.05) in intermittent group, and decreased by 7.5% in continuous group but with no statistical signification.
3. The value of HDL-C after exercise has been increased significantly by 22.3%(P<.0l) in continuous group, 54.7%(P<.001) in intermittent group.
4. The value of LDL-C after exercise has been increased significantly by 20.9%(P<.05) in continuous group, 36.5%(P<.001) in intermittent group.
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Changes of QTc Interval during Treadmill Exercise Stress Test in Adult Obese Women - Education-Based on rest , during exercise stage 2 and recovery - 스포츠생리학 : 중년여성의 비만자들에서 트레드밀 운동부하 검사시 심전도 QTc 간격의 변화 - 안정시, 운동중 Stage 2 및 회복기를 중심으로 -
김영일KimYoung-ll , 김남익KimNam-lk , 최건식KimNam-lk
39(2) 303-312, 2000
Changes of QTc Interval during Treadmill Exercise Stress Test in Adult Obese Women - Education-Based on rest , during exercise stage 2 and recovery - 스포츠생리학 : 중년여성의 비만자들에서 트레드밀 운동부하 검사시 심전도 QTc 간격의 변화 - 안정시, 운동중 Stage 2 및 회복기를 중심으로 -
김영일KimYoung-ll , 김남익KimNam-lk , 최건식KimNam-lk
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of QTc interval during treadmill exercise in adult obesity women.
The subjects consisted 20 healthy women who was aged 40-57 years were cheaked by medical process and exercise stress testing. Subjects were divided into 2 groups: control group(percent body fat [%BF]< 30%, n=10) and obese group([%BF] >30%, n=10). Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of independent t-test.
QT and RR interval were measured in quiton QTc calipers and magnifying lens for seven consecutive beats in lead II from a 12-lead EKG at a paper speed of 25㎜/sec. Also, five consecutive cardiac cycles excluding the longest and shortest RR and QT interval were averaged and calculated for QTc interval using Bazett's formula.
Results of this study were as follows.
1. Between the control and obesity groups %BF and BMI were showed significantly(p<0.05, p<0.01) difference, but weight was not.
2. RestSBP and RestRPP were showed significantly(p<0.05, p<0.01) difference, but RestHR and RestDBP, VO₂max were not significantly difference between the two groups.
3. QTc interval was significantly(p<0.05, p<0.01) higher in obesity group than control group during rest and exercising.
4. Correlation coefficient with %BF have significant(p<0.01): Rest QTc (r=0.594), Stage2 (r=0.558)
Conclusionally, the QTc interval is positively associated with %BF rather than BMI and weight in adult moderately obese women.
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A Factor Analysis for Performance by Physical Physical Fitness of Bowler 스포츠생리학 : 체격·체력요인에 의한 볼링종목 경기력 결정요인 분석
박광동ParkKwang-Dong , 김창균KimChang-Gyun
39(2) 313-324, 2000
A Factor Analysis for Performance by Physical Physical Fitness of Bowler 스포츠생리학 : 체격·체력요인에 의한 볼링종목 경기력 결정요인 분석
박광동ParkKwang-Dong , 김창균KimChang-Gyun
The objective of this study is to compare and analyze factorial structure needed for performance by physique·physical fitness characteristics in Bowling Athleties. The subjects were a total of 192 bowlers, male 98, female 94 respectively participated in selected the national members, which were measured the physique two items of weight, height, the physical fitness 5 factors(muscular strength: abdominal, hand grip, arm isometric pulling strength, agility-site step, power-vertical jump, flexibility-forward· back trunk flexion, cardiovascular endurance- VO₂max ㎖/㎏/min).
It was analyzed for the multiple comparition by one-way ANOVA with the Post Hoc of the method LSD and applied the factorial structure analysis. The results of this study are in the followings ;
1. The characteristics of physique of physical fitness It was displayed to height, hand grip(right), arm isometric pulling strength(left), and sit-hamstring(forward) higher than the comparative group, but higher than high level group excluded these items in male. A total of items higher than comparative group excluded V˙O₂max in female. Also, in all male group a total of items higher than all female group excluded flexibility.
2. Factorial structure analysis
Showing 3 significant factorial structure of comparative female group, it was to show 4 significant factorial structure in all group. In particular, it was for muscular strength influenced to factor I for bowling performance in all group.
The cumulative variance of each group was male high level group 84.70%, female high level group 87.49%, comparative male 78.83% and comparative female 90.08% respectively. In case of high level male & female group, it was important to show the weight of physique in factor I. The factorial structure of the high level female group was consisted of factor I (muscular strength, weight), flexibility, weight which variance(43.67%) was showed higher than male group(32.21%) and the comparative female group was showed factor I (59.81%) higher than comparative male group(29.56%). Male group was showed to develop many items of physical fitness than female group, but not difference between male & female in high level group, in comparative group in factorial structure. In cardiovascular endurance of V˙O₂max, it was showed factor III and factor IV, in female comparative group, in female high level group & male comparative group, respectively which was important less than any other.
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The Effect of Training to Overcome the Time Difference on Athlete's Conditioning in Domestic and Foreign Settings 스포츠생리학 : 국내 및 외국현지 시차적응훈련이 선수 컨디션 조절에 미치는 영향
39(2) 325-339, 2000
The Effect of Training to Overcome the Time Difference on Athlete's Conditioning in Domestic and Foreign Settings 스포츠생리학 : 국내 및 외국현지 시차적응훈련이 선수 컨디션 조절에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of training to overcome the time difference (desyncronization) has on athlete's conditioning in domestic and foreign settings, in preparation for the 2nd International Military Sports Council(CISM : Conseil International du Sport Militaire, Croatia 6-18 August 1999). Its secondary purpose is to disseminate the method and results of training to overcome the time difference for the first time. The tested group of 106 players were divided into individual event adjusting domestically, ballgame events adjusting domestically, and the group adjusting overseas. The following was the results of 11 days of tournament period and 7 days of adjusting period domestically and overseas to overcome -7 hours difference. The domestic group slept well from the day one, but in terms of depth, they recovered fully after 6 days, whereas the overseas group fell into deep sleep after 2 days. As for the appetite, domestic group recovered after 3 days and overseas group lost their appetite early on. As for physical condition and mood swing, domestic group took 4∼5 days and additional 2 days once they arrived overseas. However, the overseas group took 7 days to recover physical condition, and 3 days to gain normal mood. For the fliker test to measure fatigue of physiological central nervous system, domestic group took 7 days.
In general, the domestic group took 6 days to recover normal condition in case of 7 hour difference, and additional 2 days once they arrived overseas. The overseas group took 7 days to fully recover. The Korea national team ranked 5th in the world with 10 gold, 4 silver, and 4 bronze medals in International Military Sports Council, defeating tough competitors.
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The Effects of Oral Creatine Supplementation on Exercise Performance and Blood Fatigue Elements Charges in Short Track Speed Skaters 스포츠생리학 : Creatine 투여가 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이팅 선수의 운동 수행력과 혈중 피로 요인에 미치는 영향
백일영Paik11-Young , 우진희WooJin-Hee , 채지훈ChaefJi-Hoon
39(2) 340-350, 2000
The Effects of Oral Creatine Supplementation on Exercise Performance and Blood Fatigue Elements Charges in Short Track Speed Skaters 스포츠생리학 : Creatine 투여가 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이팅 선수의 운동 수행력과 혈중 피로 요인에 미치는 영향
백일영Paik11-Young , 우진희WooJin-Hee , 채지훈ChaefJi-Hoon
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of oral creatine supplementation on exercise performance, and to follow the changes of blood fatigue elements, such as lactate, ammonia, inorganic phosphate, pH & 5-HT. All of the tests were performed on a international standard arena ice rink. The subject of present study was divided into two groups; 500m skaters(500-AT), and 3,000m skaters (3,000-AT). Each skaters participated in their own skating distances(500 and 3,000m). After the preliminary test, all subjects were given a 5-day supplementation of Creatine monohydrate at a rate of 20g·d-1.
When the study was performed, we could not find a significant difference in developing a record by Cr supplementation(p>.05). However, as the rank of skating is determined by hundreds of second, we could find a result, which can change the rank of the skating competition by the Cr supplementation. There were significant differences in mean blood lactate between Cr supplementation and Cr non-supplementation for the 500-AT and the 3,000-AT groups(p< .05). Also, there were big significant differences in mean blood inorganic phosphate and ammonia concentrations between Cr supplementation and Cr non-supplementation for the 500-AT and the 3,000-AT groups(p < .05). The mean blood pH in Cr supplementation experimental condition was higher than Cr non-supplementation experimental condition, but we could not find a significant differences in mean blood pH between Cr supplementation and Cr non-supplementation for the 500-AT and the 3,000-AT groups(p >.05).
Blood 5-HT concentrations in Cr supplementation experimental condition was higher than non supplementation experimental condition, and there were significant differences between Cr supplementation and Cr non-supplementation for the 500-AT and the 3,000-AT groups.(p<.05). However, it was difficult to explain that 5-HT occurs fatigue unless the physiological mechanism of 5-HT was provided.
Therefore, this study concluded that Cr supplementation had a ergogenic effect on energy metabolism. Especially, in a high intensive exercise as short-track skating, Cr supplementation will help for fatigue elements reduction and exercise performance improvement. Also, we believe the additional research of 5-HT must be accomplished so that we can provide the scientific evidence of fatigue, which was cause by 5-HT.
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The Effect on Fat, TCHO, Glucose and TG of Middle-aged Women by Regular Exercise 스포츠생리학 : 규칙적인 운동이 중년여성이 체지방 및, 혈당, 중성지방에 미치는 영향
39(2) 351-358, 2000
The Effect on Fat, TCHO, Glucose and TG of Middle-aged Women by Regular Exercise 스포츠생리학 : 규칙적인 운동이 중년여성이 체지방 및, 혈당, 중성지방에 미치는 영향
This study performed aerobic exercise and strength exercise for examination of fat, TCHO, glucose, and TG effect by regular exercise of 34 middle-aged women who were more than forty.
Aerobic exercise upkeep 50-70% of HRmax, strength exercise maintained 40-50% level of 1RM. The load was gradually increased by remeasuring 1RM every 2 weeks.
The results after 10 weeks exercise were following like this :
The weight decreased 1.08㎏, the fat decreased by 2.54%. It has a significant difference of .05.
TCHO(4.59㎎/㎗)and LDL-C(5.13㎎/㎗) were somewhat decreased, but it shows not significant meaning of statistic.
HDL-C(2.85㎎/㎗) and TG(32.03㎎/㎗) have statistic significant difference of .05.
Glucose were decreased 13.24㎎/㎗, but it shows not statistic significant meaning.
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Effects of Caloric Restrition on Physilogical Response , Body Composition, Serum Lipids, and Muscle Strength 스포츠생리학 : 식이제한이 생리적 반응, 체구성, 혈청지질 및 최대근력에 미치는 영향
안용준AhnYong-Joon , 조영옥ChoYoung-Ok
39(2) 359-367, 2000
Effects of Caloric Restrition on Physilogical Response , Body Composition, Serum Lipids, and Muscle Strength 스포츠생리학 : 식이제한이 생리적 반응, 체구성, 혈청지질 및 최대근력에 미치는 영향
안용준AhnYong-Joon , 조영옥ChoYoung-Ok
The purpose of this study was to investgate of caloric restriction of four weeks on the physiological response, body composition, serum lipids and lipoprotein, and muscle strength profiles. Twelve obese college-age women participated in this study.
Subjects were assigned to one group(restricted diet: 900㎉). The results and conclusion of this study were as follows:
1. HRrest, Blood pressure, and VO2 max were significantly desreased in caloric restriction group(p<.05).
2. Body weight, percent body fat, fat weight, and fat-free weight were significantly decreased in caloric restriction group(p<.001).
3. Total cholesterol(TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), and triglycerides(TG) levels were significantly decreased in caloric restriction group(p<.01). However, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C) and TC/HDL-C ratio was not changed.
4. Bench press(BP), tricep press-down(TP-D), leg press(LP), and knee extension(KE) were significantly decreased in caloric restriction group(p<.05).
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Studies on the Structure of Tibialis Anterior Muscle according to Rotary Motion 스포츠생리학 : 운동부하가 흰쥐 전경골근의 구조에 미치는 영향
39(2) 368-376, 2000
Studies on the Structure of Tibialis Anterior Muscle according to Rotary Motion 스포츠생리학 : 운동부하가 흰쥐 전경골근의 구조에 미치는 영향
This study was designed to evaluate the body weight and muscle weight, nucleolar organizer region(NOR) associated protein by means of silver colloide staining and muscle fiber types in sections stained for SDH and PAS in the tibialis anterior muscle loaded with rotatory motion by DJ 4008 model. Ten Sprague-Dawley adult male rat (150-172g) were devided into control and experimental group which were trained with 1,000 rotation(680m) for 15days. Body weigh and muscle weight were measured at pre-rotation and 15days. Tibialis anterior muscle were immediately removed, immersed in fixatives or cryocut, processed with routine method for light microscopic study. Paraffin section were stained with silver colloid and PAS. Frozon section were stained with SDH.
The results were as follow ;
1. Body weight were significantly decreased in experimental group compared with control group, but muscle weight were significantly increased in experimental group compared with control group.
2. The mean number of Ag-NORs per nucleus were significantly increased in experimental group and one Ag-NORs per nucleus were significantly decreased, but three∼four Ag-NORs per nucleus were significantly increased in experimental group.
3. In muscle fiber types, red fiber were significantly increased and white fiber were significantly decreased.
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Comparison of different complex training methods on muscular power in handball players 스포츠생리학 : Complex training 훈련 방법의 차이에 따른 핸드볼 선수의 근파워 비교
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the different complex training programs on the lower limbs power output; In complex training program A, 1set of weight training exercise was immediately followed by 1set of plyometric exercise and it was repeated 3 times with each 4 pairs of exercises(weight + plyometric). In complex training program B, 3 sets of each weight training exercises and 3 sets of each plyometric exercises were completed seperately with 10 minutes of rest between weight training and plyometrics.
Ten team handball players of H university(average age: 19.8) were randomly assigned to Complex training A and Complex training B programs with 5 subjects in each group.
Complex training was executed twice a week for four weeks and the exercises of the program were 4 weight training exercises and 4 plyometric exercises. Workload used for the weight training was 10RM and plyometrics was repeated ten times per set.
Vertical jump, 25m run, standing triple jump, back squat 1RM were measured before and after complex training program. In addition, maximum force of ground reaction force, take off time, and flight time were measured using AMTI force plate. Two-way ANOVA with repeated measure was used for the statistical analysis. The results were as follows:
1. There was no difference between the two groups in the improvement of vertical jump, 25m run, standing triple jump, back squat 1RM. However, there were differences in the improvement of vertical jump, 25m run, standing triple jump between before and after the program participation(p<.05).
2. There was no difference between two groups in ground reaction force, take off time, and flight time measured by AMTI force plate. However, there was difference in flight time between before and after program participation(p<.05).
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Plasma Leptin and BMI , VO2, Hormones, Energy Substrates Relationship in Cerebral Palsied Adolescents ; 16-wks during with and 4-wks without Aerobic Training
39(2) 388-406, 2000
Plasma Leptin and BMI , VO2, Hormones, Energy Substrates Relationship in Cerebral Palsied Adolescents ; 16-wks during with and 4-wks without Aerobic Training
Little is known about the effects of physical training on plasma leptin concentration in cerebral palsied adolescents. We sought to determine the effect of 16-wk periods with and 4-wk without aerobic training on leptin in cerebral palsied adolescents and explore the determinate of leptin at baseline and in response to physical training.
The average ages of the 12 subjects were 17.17 ±0.41 for 6 males and 17.17 ±0.75 for 6 females. The BMI of the subjects between 17.53 and 31.60. They were medical grades 6-8 cerebral palsied adolescents in the track game of the Korea National Athletic Competition for the Handicapped.
The followings are from the most correlated to the least to the plasma leptin concentration before training and exercise: free fatty acid(γ=0.75, P<.001), glucagon(γ=0.75, P<.01), triglyceride(γ=0.71, P<.001), cortisol(γ=-0.68, P<.0.05) BMI(γ=0.65, P<.0.15) insulin(γ=0.55, P<.007), oxygen consumption(γ=-0.46, P<.0.15), epinephrine(γ=-0.46, P<.0.15), norepinephrine(γ=-0.46, P<.0.15)
The stepwise regression analysis produced a final model that included only cortisol, R₂=.83(P<.01) before exercise before training, R² =.73(P<.01) after exercise in before training, R²=.59(P<.01) after exercise after training and R²=.56(P<.01) after exercise in detraining.
It is concluded that 16 wks of aerobic exercise improved aerobic fitness, but did not affect leptin concentrations, decreased BMI in cerebral palsy. The plasma leptin concentration before training and exercise correlated positively with BMI, insulin, glucagon, triglyceride, free fatty acid and correlated negatively cortisol, catecholamines.
The stepwise regression analysis produced a final model that included only cortisol.
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Morphological changes and phospholipase A2 activity to exercise intensity in rat plantaris muscle 스포츠생리학 : 운동강도에 따른 흰쥐 족척근의 근섬유 형태와 Phospholipase A2의 특성 및 활성 변화
Morphological changes and phospholipase A2 activity to exercise intensity in rat plantaris muscle 스포츠생리학 : 운동강도에 따른 흰쥐 족척근의 근섬유 형태와 Phospholipase A2의 특성 및 활성 변화
Morphological changes and phospholipase A₂(PLA₂) activity were evaluated in rat plantaris muscle. Four groups of 4-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were trained on treadmill for 8 weeks. On completion of training they were sacrificed by instantaneous decapitation. Both plantaris muscles were exercised. One of the plantaris was prepared for histochemical analysis, and the other was for measuring PLA₂ activity with radioisotope labeled substrates.
Compared with control group, relative distribution and mean diffusional area of Type IIb fiber were decreased(p<.05), but the number of capillaries per fiber was increased in HT group(p<.001).
PLA₂ activity tended to increase proportional to exercise intensity, but MT group maintained lower than that of control group. This may indicate that mild exercise was the optimal exercise intensity which can avoid injury that concomitant with metabolic intermittent such as PLA₂.
Optimal PLA₂ activity in plantaris muscle can be obtained at pH=7.5, and the characteristic of PLA₂ was Ca2+-independent(iPLA₂), and preferable to PE.
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Anaerobic Reserve and Anaerobic Capabilities of Elite Athletes 스포츠생리학 : 우수 운동선수의 무산소성 예비량과 무산소성 운동능력
39(2) 419-433, 2000
Anaerobic Reserve and Anaerobic Capabilities of Elite Athletes 스포츠생리학 : 우수 운동선수의 무산소성 예비량과 무산소성 운동능력
The purpose of the study was to investigate correlations between anaerobic reserve(AR) from critical power test and anaerobic capabilities from Wingate and isokinetic test. The effect of body weight or lean body weight on the correlation was also investigated. Three different tests were administered to 11 college soccer players, 12 college wrestlers, 12 high school sprinters, and 11 high school middle & long distance runners(N=46) on a Monark cycle ergometer and Kin-com isokinetic equipment.
Means, standard deviations, Pearsons product-moment correlations, and simple linear regressions were obtained by using SPSS-Window program. To examine the important factors contributing to AR, stepwise regression analyses were performed using anaerobic capabilities from Wingnte and isokinetic tests as independant variables. To assess the differences between anaerobic capacities in various events of athletes, analyses of variance(ANOVA) were performed. To further assess the influence of body weight or lean body weight on the difference of the anaerobic capabilities in various events of athletes, analyses of covariance(ANCOVA) were performed using body weight or lean body weight as covariates.
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion has been derived:
1. There were significant moderate correlations of anaerobic reserve with WIN5, WIN10, WIN20, and WIN30, respectively in 4 events of athletes.
2. There was a significant moderate correlation between anaerobic reserve and AP240.EX, but no correlation with other isokinetic extensor variables.
3. The stepwise regression analyses revealed that WIN30, PT60.FL, TW240.FL, and AP240.EX contributed significantly to predicting anaerobic reserve(68.2%).
4. Anaerobic reserve revealed in orders for sprinters, wrestlers, soccer players, and middle & long distance runners.
5. ANCOVA analyses using body weight as covariates had a significant effect on the differences of the anaerobic abilities.
6. ANCOVA analyses using lean body mass as covariates had a significant effect on the differences of the anaerobic abilities.
In conclusion, the results of the study demonstrated that the critical power test is a reliable and valid method for the measurement of anaerobic ability. The data suggected that anaerobic reserve assess true anaerobic ability not including the energy component of anaerobic glycolyses. Also, the study provides preliminary data on the differences of the anaerobic abilities in various events of athletes as assessed by the critical power test, Wingate test, and isokinetic test.
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The effect of Overload Exereise & Sleep Deprivation on the changes of Performance, EEG, & Stress Hormone while Sleeping 스포츠생리학 : 과도한 운동과 수면박탈이 운동수행력과 수면 중 뇌파 및 스트레스 호르몬 변화에 미치는 영향
조근종ChoKeun-jong , 임인수LimIn-soo , 김진항KimJin-hang
39(2) 434-444, 2000
The effect of Overload Exereise & Sleep Deprivation on the changes of Performance, EEG, & Stress Hormone while Sleeping 스포츠생리학 : 과도한 운동과 수면박탈이 운동수행력과 수면 중 뇌파 및 스트레스 호르몬 변화에 미치는 영향
조근종ChoKeun-jong , 임인수LimIn-soo , 김진항KimJin-hang
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of exercise load on the changes of EEG, stress hormpne(study-1) and the change of performance and stress hormone following maximal exercise after sleep deprivation(study-2). All subjects were 8 male physical education students who had volunteered to participate in this study. Study-1 was divided into two groups by within subject of research method; NE(normal exercise), EE(excessive exercise). Study-2 was divided into two groups; NS(normal sleep), SD(sleep deprivation). NE group maintained a total of 90 min exercise, EE group maintained a total of 300 min exercise by swimming. All subjects were acclimatized to the experimental sleep condition by spending one night under experimental conditions, including the placement of an intravenous catheter. During the subsequent night(23:00∼07:00), somnopolygraphic sleep recordings were obtained, and GH, cortisol, and testosterone were measured every 120 min(study-1). Blood cortisol, norepinephrine, and lactate concentrations were measured at maximal exercise before, immediately and 30min after exercise(study-2). Blood samples were obtained from prominent forearm veins of subjects. Data were analyzed by means of t-test and ANOVA with repeated measures using the 8.0 SPSS/PC+. When a significant F value was obtained, a Tukey's post-hoc analysis was performed.
The results are summarized as follows:
1. Sleep onset latency, stage-1 sleep, REM, REM sleep latency, and sleep efficiency showed significant differences between NE and EE group.
2. Stage-2 sleep, SWS, Stage-2 sleep latency, and total sleep time showed no significant differences between NE and EE group.
3. GH, testosterone concentration, and testosterone/cortisol(T/C) ratio during sleep decreased remarkably in EE than ME group.
4. Coatisol concentration in blood during sleep showed not significantly differences between NS and SD group.
5. Blood lactate concentration following maximal exercise were significantly different between group whereas cortisol, norepinephrine concentration, and performance were not significantly different between groups.
In conclusion, the changes of hormone and sleep patterns varied depending on the exercise load. Excessive exercise induced harmful effects on quality or quantity of sleep and hormone. Also, the changes of performance and stress hormone following maximal exercise were not directly affected by sleep deprivation.
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A Study on the Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Long Distance Runners 스포츠생리학 : 장거리 달리기 선수들의 위장관 증상에 대한 연구
최석준ChoiSuck-Jun , 최태석ChoiTae-suck , 안선호SeonHoAhn
39(2) 445-453, 2000
A Study on the Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Long Distance Runners 스포츠생리학 : 장거리 달리기 선수들의 위장관 증상에 대한 연구
최석준ChoiSuck-Jun , 최태석ChoiTae-suck , 안선호SeonHoAhn
The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of gastrointestinal(GI) symptoms in high school long distance runners. The prevalence GI symptoms among long distance runners was administered by a questionnaire, 129 long distance runners partiapated, 100% response to the questionnaire in this study. The questionnaire was designed with yes/no or single word answers and a graded value scale(0;neil, 1;mild, 2;moderate, 3;severe)for each following symptoms :diarrhea, abdominal cramping pain, abdominal cramping pain, epigastric discomfort, epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, and regurgitation related to training or during race.
The results of this study were as following ;
1. Male runners had a high incidence of GI symptoms diarrhea 67.1%, epigastric pain 65.9%, abdominal pain 64.6%, epigastric discomfort 60.9%, nausea 45.1%, respectively. Female runners had a high incidence of GI symptoms also diarrhea 80.9%, abdominal pain 78.7%, epigastric discomfort 70.2%, epigastrit pain 66.0%, vomiting 63.8%, respectively.
2. Male runners with a high incidence of GI symptoms interfering with running, required treatment for diarrhea 7.3%, abdominal pain 6.1%, epigastric discomfort 4.8%, epigastric pain 3.7%, espectively. Female runners with a high incidence of GI symptoms interfering with running, required treatment for abdominal pain 19.1%, diarrhea 6.4%, epigastric pain 6.4%, nausea and vomiting 2.1%, respectively.
3. Male runners with the onset of epigastric pain during running(R) occured in 37% of runners, nausea during training(T) occured in 45.9% of runners, vomiting during T occured in 54%, of runners, vomiting during R oocured in 44% of runners, abdominal pain during T occured in 50.9% of runners, abdominal pain during R occured in 39.7% of runners, diarrhea during rest occured in 43.6% of runners, diarrhea during R occured in 29.7% of runners. Female runners with the onset of epigastric pain during T occured in 61.3% of runners, epigastric discomfort during rest occured in 63.6% of runners, abdominal pain during T occured in 64.9% of runners, abdominal pain during R occured in 29.7% of runners, diarrhea during rest occured in 60.5% of runners, diarrhea during T occured in 23.7% of runners.
Gastrointestinal symptoms are more prevalent among long distance runners than previously documented. Therefore further investigation in to the etiology and pathogensis of GI disorders in long distance runners is warranted.
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Kinematical Analysis in Running of Male Athletes with Cerebral Palsy 운동역학 : 뇌성마비의 장애등급별 달리기패턴에 관한 비교 연구
강신KangSin , 손명성SonMyoung-Sung
39(2) 457-465, 2000
Kinematical Analysis in Running of Male Athletes with Cerebral Palsy 운동역학 : 뇌성마비의 장애등급별 달리기패턴에 관한 비교 연구
강신KangSin , 손명성SonMyoung-Sung
This paper described the sprint running of selected class T34, T35, T36, T37 Korean male athletes with cerebral palsy(CP), contrast their biomechanical characteristics with those reported for nondisabled runners, and delineates discriminating biomechanical parameters among classes.
Subject included 12 male class T34, T35, T36, T37 athletes with CP who competed in national competition and were finalists or semifinalist in sprint event. High speed camera were taken and data reduction was performed.
It was concluded that:
(1) Compared with ICP athletes, Korean CP sprinters support time is longer. This shows that ICP sprinters support with nonsupport faster than Korean CP athletes.
(2) Elite class T34, T35, T36, T37 athletes with CP descriptively distinguishing from finding reported in the nondisabled literature on variables of ratio of support to nonsupport time, angle of takeoff, angle of touchdown, trunk angle, knee angle.
(3) Distinguishing from finding reported in the nondisabled literature on variables of stride length, step frequency, vertical displacement of center of gravity.
(4) Compared with ICP athletes, no difference in the angle variables of korean CP athletes.
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A Three Dimensional Analysis of the Joint Reaction Force of Side Kick in Taekwondo 운동역학 : 태권도 옆차기시 관절력에 따른 3 차원적 동작분석
39(2) 466-479, 2000
A Three Dimensional Analysis of the Joint Reaction Force of Side Kick in Taekwondo 운동역학 : 태권도 옆차기시 관절력에 따른 3 차원적 동작분석
A three-dimensional cinematographical method was used to compare the expert with the novice in taekwondo side kick. The side kick motions were divided into four phases in terms of the sequential segment motions, and the kinematic and kinetic data were computed by the Euler's equations. The three-dimensional anatomical angle of the joint and joint reaction force were computed, the results were as follows:
The expert groups time interval in reaching the minimum knee angle was faster than that of the expert group. The whole time interval of the motion was slower in the novice group. In comparison of the three-dimensional anatomical angles in each segment, the angle of the ankle of the expert group decreased until the minimum knee angle phase, and the ankle showed a plantar flexion movement during impact phase. The plantar flexion was continued after the impact. The movement pattern of the knee angle in both groups was not significantly different from each other but the minimum knee angle was 56.1˚, 69.7˚respectively. After the foot left the ground, the hip joint movement in the expert groups showed a flexion until impact, and after that it showed extension movement. The abduction angle of the expert group was -49.9 ±8.69, and the novice group was -32.8 ±14.56˚ and it showed significant difference. This means that the exert group was kicking straight and outside direction. For the expert group phase the hip joint was internally rotating before the impact and after the impact phase the hip joint was rotating in the external direction. But the novice group only showed increase of external rotation. The joint reaction force of the expert group showed a pattern of dorsi flexion at the ankle at the beginning of the motion and just before the impact phase it showed a pattern of plantar flexion. In the phase of pulling up the shank, the joint reaction force of the knee joint showed a negative pattern, after the minimum knee angle phase showed a positive pattern, but just before the impact phase the pattern change to a negative pattern. The joint reaction force of the hip joint showed a pattern of abduction and external rotation.
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The Effect of Arch Height and AJC ROM on Foot-to-Leg Movement in Heel Toe Running
김승재KimSeung-Jae , 최지영ChoiJi-Young
39(2) 480-489, 2000
The Effect of Arch Height and AJC ROM on Foot-to-Leg Movement in Heel Toe Running
김승재KimSeung-Jae , 최지영ChoiJi-Young
The degree of abnormality in foot movement coupling appears to be influenced by the shape, rigidity and flexibility of the foot and ankle joint complex (AJC). Initial study, assessing the effect of arch height on the movement coupling between foot and leg, suggested a trend that more foot eversion is transferred into internal tibial rotation with increasing arch height. A substantial (27%), yet incomplete, amount in the variation in the transfer of movement between foot and leg could be explained by arch height, indicating that there must be factors other than arch height that influence the mechanical coupling at the AJC. One additional factor may be foot stiffness which could be quantified through the range of motion (ROM) of the AJC. Therefore the purpose of this study was to quantify the effect of arch height and range of motion (ROM) of the AJC on the movement coupling between foot and leg in heel-toe running.
Arch height and AJC ROM were measured and total foot eversion, total internal tibial rotation, and a transfer coefficient were obtained by using a three-dimensional high-speed video motion analysis system. The results of this study did not show any statistically significant correlation between specific anatomical foot characteristics (arch height and AJC ROM) and the movement transfer between foot eversion and internal tibial rotation. It is proposed that further studies analyzing the relationship between anthropometric variables and foot movement/function during locomotion should include variables which describe the dynamic foot characteristics.
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A Kinematic Analysis on Speed Skiing by Dynamic Modeling 운동역학 : 역학적 모형을 이용한 스키 속도 경기(Speed skiing)의 운동학적 분석
39(2) 490-498, 2000
A Kinematic Analysis on Speed Skiing by Dynamic Modeling 운동역학 : 역학적 모형을 이용한 스키 속도 경기(Speed skiing)의 운동학적 분석
The hill profile and aerodynamic conditions are among the importance factors that decide performance in speed skiing. The equations of motion that describe a skier descending a speed skiing hill were solved numerically. The model is shown to agree well the actual official results were consistent with the model's results but only when the hill profile was taken into consideration. From this model hill profile has been shown to be a critical factor affecting skier speed. Characterization of speed-skiing hill by drop height and competition length is not enough to determine the course speed. Also it can be conclude that bigger skiers have an advantage over smaller skiers provided that the former retain the strength and agility to maintain the tight aerodynamic form so crucial to drag reduction. The sensitivity of the exit speed to each of these model parameters helps one gain insight into model behavior and also determines, in a competitive environment, which parameters might affect a potential gain in speed performance.
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Characteristics of moment of force and evaluation the mechanical power of the lower extremity during Walking 운동역학 : 걷기시 하지의 힘의 특성과 일률의 평가
39(2) 499-512, 2000
Characteristics of moment of force and evaluation the mechanical power of the lower extremity during Walking 운동역학 : 걷기시 하지의 힘의 특성과 일률의 평가
The purpose of this study was to prove the moment of force and to evaluate the mechanical power of lower extremity during walking. The volunteers for this study were 6 male adult who have nomal foot. Each subject walked at the velocity of 2 m/s with barefoot. They were videotaped using two video cameras with the frame rate being 60 ㎐. This data was then reduced to 3D coordinates using the DLT method. Ground reaction force was obtained using a force platform. Inverse dynamics were performed on these data to get the moment of force and power.
It was concluded that ;
1. Moment of force the lower extremity higher showed at heel take-off in walking, extensor of thigh major work in take-off and lead to of flexors or supinators of shank in support.
2. Mechanical power of lower extremity in walking is higher in support. Power of thigh is higher than shank and foot in take-off. Thigh performed major work in take-off and power of shank to increas in support.
3. The ratio of total mechanical power of the lower extremity to power of each segment showed thigh is higher than shank and foot. With regard to the contribution of lower extermity in take-off, it proved that thigh plays the more important role than shank and foot in walking.
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Analysis of 3D the rotation data in the end of upperlimb under the V.R. electromagnetic tracking system 운동역학 : V. R. 전자기추적센서를 이용한 상지말단의 3차원 회전성분의 운동학적 분석
39(2) 513-526, 2000
Analysis of 3D the rotation data in the end of upperlimb under the V.R. electromagnetic tracking system 운동역학 : V. R. 전자기추적센서를 이용한 상지말단의 3차원 회전성분의 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyzed the 2, 3D coding angle and information of the rotation data from the 6 Degree Of Freedom(DOF) under the V.R. electromagnetic tracking system in which were considerably accurate and reliable. In order to analyze the cocking angle and 3D rotation of the kinematics data, The rigid body of mathematics model were designed.
The results follows as:
Firstly, As for the position data, the graph form of the cocking angles were that "w" and "v" shape in 2D, 3D information, respectively. From the result, The cocking angle of the golf swing mechanism ought be analyzed in 3D space.
Secondly, As for the rotation data, The internal/External rotation and the Adduction/ Abduction had greatly influence upon in the golf swing. The Planar flexsion/Extension as a result of the angular position wasn't shown to be motion, nearly. That is, The angular rotation data was shown to be 49% of internal/external rotation, 51% of Adduction/Abduction, 0% of Planar Flatiron/Extension in the Address Phase, respectively.
And As the result of the each phase, the TopSwing Phase was 52% of internal/external rotation, 45% of Adduction/Abduction, 3% of Plantar Flexsion/Extension. The Impact Phase was 67% of internal/external rotation, 24% of Adduction/Abduction, 9% of Planar Flexsion/Extension, respectively. Also, The Fore Arm in the angular rotation data rather than the Golf Club of the end of the upperarm to had moved early in the address phase.
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Analysis of Children's gait parameters 운동역학 : 유아 발달에 따른 보행인자 분석
39(2) 527-536, 2000
Analysis of Children's gait parameters 운동역학 : 유아 발달에 따른 보행인자 분석
The purpose of this study is to find the transformation process of gate development of infants over the period between start of walk and 5 years old. Data on twenty-one female adults were used for comparison. The transformation of gate was analysed based upon kinematic methodology longitudinally, by each stage of gate. I utilized VIcon 370 system made by Oxford Metrics.
Gait parameters: cadence, step length, walking velocity, double stance, single limb stance, ratio of stance phase & swing phase were analyzed troughout a gait cycle.
As the children grows, cadence decreased but step length and step velocity increased.
The development of gait pattern was magnifested by increasing step length, rising walking velocity, longer duration of single limb support, and decreasing cadence.
Paticularly, the increasing duration of single limb support could be interpreted as an improvement of balance control.
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Kinematic Analysis of Bowling Ball and Rebound Pattern of Bowling Pins 운동역학 : 볼링 볼의 운동학적 요인과 핀의 리바운드 패턴과의 관계 분석
39(2) 537-547, 2000
Kinematic Analysis of Bowling Ball and Rebound Pattern of Bowling Pins 운동역학 : 볼링 볼의 운동학적 요인과 핀의 리바운드 패턴과의 관계 분석
The purpose of this study was to obtain the quantitative data and to achieve successful bowling kinematic variables on the movement of the ball and pins at pin deck.
Subject of group composed of three groups : Higher bowlers who are two representative bowlers with 200 average points and one pro-bowler. Middle bowlers who are three common persons with 170 average points. Lower bowler who are three common persons with 150 average points.
Motion analysis on the movement of the ball and pins at the pindeck in three groups respectively has been made through three-dimension cinematography using DLT method, two high-speed video camera at operating 60 frame per secondary.
When perfect strike happens, the rebound of the pins have made consecutive rebound patterns of 1-2-4-7, 3-6-10, 5-8 pins. And the ball has crashed 1-3-5-9 pins.
In perfect strike, the entry angle is 5.58˚, the off set is 0.005m, the velocity of the ball is 2.52 m/sec, the spin of the ball is 13.25 spin and the rolling pattern is 6.67 ×4 inch.
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The Analysis of Factors Influencing A-Quick Performance during Men's Volleyball Competition 운동역학 : 남자 배구 경기의 A 속공 수행에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석
39(2) 548-557, 2000
The Analysis of Factors Influencing A-Quick Performance during Men's Volleyball Competition 운동역학 : 남자 배구 경기의 A 속공 수행에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석
Improving sports performance through motion analysis is the key research topic that sport biomechanics has addressed. However, the results of motional analysis studies for sports could not be fully applied to the real world because of several reasons including analysis tools, time, cost, and etc..
The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors influencing team performance in A quick spike. Two men's semifinal games were analyzed for three-dimensional analysis. The receive-to-set time, set-to-spike time, setter-moving distance, ball position at setting, attacker's impact position, attacker's relative position to the ball, spikable area, and set speed were kinematically analyzed. To evaluate factors to predict A-quick performance, logistic regression analysis was conducted.
Among the various kinematical factors considered in this study, only spikable area was found to be related to A-quick performance. This finding implies that although their direct impacts were not significant the other factors could have indirect impact on offensive performance by increasing spikable area. Thus, receiver, setter, assistant attacker, and main attacker should practice for successful performance in each stage.
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Effects of caffeine administration on energy substrates utilization during exercise in rats 운동영양학 : 카페인 투여가 운동시 에너지 기질에 미치는 영향
류승필RyuS니ng-Pil , 이수천LeeSoo-Chun
39(2) 561-570, 2000
Effects of caffeine administration on energy substrates utilization during exercise in rats 운동영양학 : 카페인 투여가 운동시 에너지 기질에 미치는 영향
류승필RyuS니ng-Pil , 이수천LeeSoo-Chun
Caffeine is an ergogenic aids in the athletic field. Therefore, the purpose of this study was the effects of caffeine administration on energy substrates utilization during exercise in the untrained and trained rats. Rats were administered caffeine(6㎎/㎏) into the mouth 1h prior to exercise then exercised on the treadmill speed at 20m/min. They were decapitated at pre, 30min, 60min of exercise, and exhausted. Glucose, lactate, FFA, glycerol, glycogen, and stored triglycerides were measured. Lipolysis was increased by caffeine ingestion. Furthermore, increased FFA and glycerol concentration have reduced glycogen utilization during exercise compared with control group. In the untrained rats, however, ingested caffeine did not affects on lipolysis but was increased glycolysis that increased lactate production during exercise. Therefore, exercise time to exhaustion was shortest compared with the trained group. These results suggested that caffeine ingestion 1h prior to exercise was effectively used as an ergogenic aid if trained.
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The effect of fructose ingestion on energy metabolism and physical performance during prolonged endurance exercise 운동영양학 : 운동중 과당 섭취가 에너지 대사 및 운동지속시간에 미치는 영향
임기원LimKi-Won , 최성근ChoiSung-Keun
39(2) 571-580, 2000
The effect of fructose ingestion on energy metabolism and physical performance during prolonged endurance exercise 운동영양학 : 운동중 과당 섭취가 에너지 대사 및 운동지속시간에 미치는 영향
임기원LimKi-Won , 최성근ChoiSung-Keun
The comparative analysis on the effect of energy metabolism and physical performance during prolonged endurance exercise caused by the ingestion of fructose led to the following conclusion. The subjects were six soccer players at a junior high school.
The ingestion of fructose did not cause change in glucose concentration, insulin concentration, the lactate concentration tended to decrease according to the duration of exercise. But the lipid oxidation did not decrease and the exhaustion period increased by 16 minutes.
Therefore it can be referred that fructose ingestion during exercise will be useful as a energy source to improve physical performance.
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Exploring Stress Sources in Physical Education Setting ; A Students' Perspective 스포츠교육학 : 중학생의 체육수업 걱정거리 분석
김윤희KimYoon-Hee , 강신복KangSin-Bok
39(2) 583-594, 2000
Exploring Stress Sources in Physical Education Setting ; A Students' Perspective 스포츠교육학 : 중학생의 체육수업 걱정거리 분석
김윤희KimYoon-Hee , 강신복KangSin-Bok
This study identified middle school students' perceptions of specific sources of stress in physical education (PE) setting. A total of 638 students responded to an Likert type question on general stress in PE and an open-ended question regarding the factors underlying stress in PE. Gender differences in the level of stress in PE were found with higher stress for female students (58.2%) compared to male counterparts (24.2%). Content analysis of the responses resulted in 11 general dimensions of stress: (1) curriculum dissatisfaction, (2) lack of confidence, (3) worry about skills test, (4) uniform dissatisfaction, (5) fear of punishment, (6) warm-up and management complains, (7) poor facility and environment, (8) limits in physical condition, (9) dissatisfaction with teacher, (10) conflicts with classmates, (11) others. Frequency of the responses in each of the dimensions across gender was compared. The results were discussed in terms of designing and implementing student-oriented physical education classes.
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An Analysis of the Teaching Perspectives of Elementary and Secondary School in Physical Education Teacher 스포츠교육학 : 초·중등 체육교사의 교수관 분석
The purpose of the study was to determine the teaching perspectives of elementary and secondary school in physical education teachers.
To achieve the purpose of the study, the qualitative case study was utilized for five elementary school teachers and five secondary school in physical education teachers, and the materials of the study were collected through the in-depth interviews, observation in physical education class, and literature reviews.
The collected materials were analyzed by using the encoding and inductive category analysis, and the reliability, propriety arkd morality of the study were ascertained. The teaching perspectives of elementary and secondary school in physical education teacher were categorized such as the view on subject matter, the view on teachers and the view on curriculum.
The results of the analyses and interpretation on the study are as follows.
Firstly, The view on subject matter is fallen into two categories such as the goal of physical education and the perception of physical education.
Secondly, The view on teachers is fallen into three categories such as the ideal teacher in physical education teacher, the role in physical education teacher and the perception of the quality in physical education teacher.
Lastly, The view on curriculum is fallen into three categories such as the perception of curriculum, the performance of curriculum and the ideal atmosphere in physical education, class
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Sequential Behavior Analysis (SBA) and its Application to Physical Education and Sport 스포츠교육학 : 체육 및 스포츠 교육에서 연속적 행동분석의 방법과 적용
So Ho-sung , Tom Sharpe
39(2) 608-618, 2000
Sequential Behavior Analysis (SBA) and its Application to Physical Education and Sport 스포츠교육학 : 체육 및 스포츠 교육에서 연속적 행동분석의 방법과 적용
So Ho-sung , Tom Sharpe
This article summarizes an appealing method for the study of teaching and coaching practice, and for the feedback and goal-setting experiences that take place in practice teaching and coaching certification settings. Termed sequential behavior analysis (SBA) and founded in the behavior analysis literature, methodological illustrations from education are provided in the context of comparisons with more traditional forms of systematic observation which have frequented the physical education and larger education literatures. Recommended future directions are also provided with respect to teacher and coach training and with respect to research and development applications in the hope of guiding the profession toward the use of alternative SBA-based tools in their scholarly work. The unique appeal of SBA is last smnmarized with emphasis on the need for alternative lenses with which to uncover here-to-fore overlooked characteristics of effective teaching and coaching practice. Emphasis throughout is placed on encouraging greater emphasis on direct observation applications to the science of education.
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The Attitudes of College Students Toward Physical Education in Korea
Jeon Yong-bae
39(2) 619-627, 2000
The Attitudes of College Students Toward Physical Education in Korea
Jeon Yong-bae
This study was conducted to determine if a relationship existed between attitudes toward physical education and the level of physical activity based on private and public school, college classification (freshman, sophomore, junior and senior) and gender among selected students at the Yeungnam University and Chungnam National University in Korea through the administration of the Adams Scale and Godin Physical Activity Questionnaire. The participants for this study were selected from students who enrolled in the Yeungnam University and Chungnam National University during the 1999 academic year in Korea. Twenty-six undergraduate classes were randomly selected to secure a representative sample from each university. The participants for this study were 1,293 students. The data was analyzed by employing a Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS-X). Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data gathered for this study. The .05 level of significance was selected. The major conclusions of this study were as follows: 1) College students tended to possess positive attitudes toward physical education. 2) It indicated that the attitudes of subjects toward physical education were related to their individual levels of physical activity. 3) Subjects grouped by college classification did not differ in their attitudes toward physical education. Therefore, it was concluded that college classification was not an important factor in attitudes toward physical education. 4) Finally, male and female subjects did differ in their attitudes toward physical education.
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The Information Industry High School Students' Perception and Preference of Physical Education Class 스포츠교육학 : 남녀공학 정보산업고등학교 학생들의 체육수업 인식도
39(2) 628-638, 2000
The Information Industry High School Students' Perception and Preference of Physical Education Class 스포츠교육학 : 남녀공학 정보산업고등학교 학생들의 체육수업 인식도
The purpose of this was to determine the information industry high school students' perception and preference of physical education in mixed gender class type. The sample included 644 student's in two cities in Kyonggido. consisted male(n = 305 ≒ 50%) and female(n = 339 ≒ 50%). Treanor et al(1999 questionnaire was revised and reformed for this study. ANOVA(grade) and t-test(gender) was used in statistics. It showed significant differentiate in the perception and preference of various factors which relate to grade and gender.
The implication of the study are as follows;
Most students in mixed gender class type showed preference in participation, conducting regulation, requirements of etiquette, nerve of exercise, physical fitness, endurance, flexibility, and obesity. Information industry high students' perception and preference of physical education classes on class type, male students preferred mixed class type than separated class.
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Higher Order Structure Analysis on Physical Self Description Questionnaire 체육측정평가 : 신체적 자기기술척도의 고차원 구조모형 검증
김기범KimKeeBum , 강상조KangSangJo
39(2) 641-657, 2000
Higher Order Structure Analysis on Physical Self Description Questionnaire 체육측정평가 : 신체적 자기기술척도의 고차원 구조모형 검증
김기범KimKeeBum , 강상조KangSangJo
The objective of this study was to examine the validation of structure of physical self description questionnaire (PSDQ) based on the covariance structure analysis, conducting a wide survey on students involving physical activities as the subject of this study. The students were comprised of ordinary students and athletes of male and female in high schools and universities as well.
To put it more specifically, this study was designed to find how the subject of the study react to the 11 multi-level structure of physical self description questionnaire created by Marsh and Redmayne (1994) and, accordingly, which kind of structure model would be resulted from the survey. And this study was also made to validate the appropriateness of multilevel, many-sided, and hierarchical model, applying a higher order structure model to the study.
The result of this study was applied to verify the factor structure, utilizing a confirmatory factor analysis with the LISREL 8.12 (Joreskog & Sorbom, 1988) program based on maximum likelihood estimation. The result of the study is shown as below.
First, when the study was made to ordinary students and athletes of male and female in high schools and universities in Korea, the construct factor of physical self description questionnaire was proved to be composed of nine(9) factors, which are confidence in sports, global physical, physical activity, body fat, flexibility, healthy, self-esteem, appearance, and endurance. Accordingly, the result of this study was proved to be different from eleven(11) multi-level of structure for physical self description questionnaire by Marsh and Redmayne (1994).
Second, while the validity of factor structure was verified in both eleven(11) construct factor model and nine(9) construct factor model when the study was made to all the students (in high schools and universities, male and female, and ordinary students and athletes), the nine(9) construct factor model was proved to be more adequate one than eleven(11) construct factor model.
Third, since third order structure model was proved inappropriate as higher order structure model to physical self description questionnaire, 2nd order two factors model, 2nd order one factor model, and 1st order multi-level model were introduced as its alternative. As the result, 1st order multi-level model was proved to be most appropriate among the above three models.
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Effect of Items in a N-R Test Battery for the College Entrance Examination 체육측정평가 : 대학입시를 위한 N-R 테스트 모형의 영향력에 관한 연구
39(2) 658-667, 2000
Effect of Items in a N-R Test Battery for the College Entrance Examination 체육측정평가 : 대학입시를 위한 N-R 테스트 모형의 영향력에 관한 연구
This is a study to verify effectiveness of a test battery for assessment of motor ability of college students. The test battery includes four motor fitness items such as shuttle-run, basketball drible, basketball shoot, and volleyball toss. Eighty college students(50 males, 30 females) were employed in this study.
Results of regression analysis indicated that basketball shut was the most significant factor to the total performance for both male and female samples[F(6,73) = 861.622, p<0.01]. The other significant factor was volleyball toss. However, basketball drible and shuttle-run were not significant factors to the male samples. The regression coefficient for total samples was Y^ = 1.13X1 + 0.90X2 + 0.61X3 - 0.18X4 - 0.09X5 + 0.09X6 + 10.16. The coeffiaent indicates that the variables such as basketball drible, shuttle-run, weight, and height were not significant factors for total performance of the samples.
Ability of shuttle run was a significant factor only for female subjects. It should be due to that the distance between two posts was too wide for females. The test battery was not influenced by samples' height and weight. The total record of samples correlated significantly to the samples' motor abilities. Therefore, the test battery can be used to assess motor abilities of the students who intend to apply a college.
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Criterion-referenced standards of sit-up test for male college student 체육측정평가 : 윗몸일으키기 검사의 준거지향기준에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to estimate the validity and reliability of criterion-referenced standards of sit-ups test for male college student. The subjects of this study were 80 male college students(40 exercise vs 40 non-exercise). Criterion-referenced standard were established using contrasting-group model. The results of this study were as follows;
The criterion-referenced standards for sit-ups test were 47reps, the validity were C=.80, and φ=.601; the reliability were P=.950, and K=.899.
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The Developmental Strategy and Task for Expansion of the Sports Facility 스포츠산업 경영 : 체육시설확충을 위한 발전전략과 과제
고재곤KoJae-Gon , 김현석KimHyun-Suk
39(2) 677-692, 2000
The Developmental Strategy and Task for Expansion of the Sports Facility 스포츠산업 경영 : 체육시설확충을 위한 발전전략과 과제
고재곤KoJae-Gon , 김현석KimHyun-Suk
Central Government and local government as suppliers of the sports facility will, first of all, have tro resolve the problem as to what type of sports facility is supplied with consumers in what area, how many facilities are supplied with them, and how they are supplied with them. Therefore, this study was intended to elicit the reasonableness of the national sports facility supply policy. For this purpose, this study attempted to present the balanced sports facility supply policy by area through the spatial analysis technique to determine the priority of supply of sports facility by using the geographical information system(GIS).
As for the analytic method, this study attempted to investigate the number of business enterprises providing consumers with public and private sports facilities, the number of sports business types, and the total area of sports facilities(㎡). And it attempted to compare and analyze the area of the facility per person(㎡), the number of sports business enterprises per 100㎢ of the area of the administrative district and the ratio of the area of total sports facilities divided by the area of the administrative district (hereinafter referred as to the area of total facilities/the area of the administrative district). The analytic tool used here was the Z-score, which facilitated a relative comparison between wide-area local governments. Z=((X-μ/σ) was expressed as the general formula.
Bases upon the study results, the following conclusion was drawn:
First, the sports facility should be established by joint investment between private sector and government.
Second, the consultative body made up of members from schools and local community for using the sports facility should be formed and operated.
Third, schools should be induced to establish the comprehensive sports facility and state-of-the-arts facility within the school premises.
Fourth, the sports information facility should be established and operated for those using sports facilities.
Fifth, the rights to manage and operate sports facilities should be gradually devolved on autonomous sports facilities or specialized sports facilities.
Finally, the sports club evaluation corps should be operated so that the operating system of every sports facility may be efficiently monitored, managed and operated.
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The Research of Sports Sponsorship to Activate the Community Sports 스포츠산업 경영 : 지역사회체육 활성화를 위한 스포츠 스폰서십에 대한 기초조사
The purpose of this study is to provide experimental data related to sponsorship among community sports organizations(clubs), government, media firms and corporations and main focus is put onto reality checking research and discovery of problems to be tackled to activate sports sponsorship. The research methods were literature research, interview and phone call. Respondents(n=488) were sampled from local community sports organizations(clubs), government bodies, media firms and corporations located nationwide in 1999. Statistics employed for data analysis was descriptive analysis. A questionnaire was designed to measure the influence of the decision making process on sport consumer behavior, consisting of fixed alternative choice responses to items constructed to represent the operational definition for each variable.
The results were as follows: First, 38% of the local community sports clubs had experiences that they had got sponsorship and 79.4% of the clubs had received sponsorship from small or mid size companies or local business people. The sponsorship provided was mostly financial support(45%) and sports goods(55%) such as beverages, clothes, outfits and tools. The community sports clubs didn't understand the difference between sponsorship and donation and two-way relationship either, where both clubs and sponsor should see mutual benefit. Second, sports clubs in metropolitan area shows a different picture that clubs that had got sponsorship(59%) were more than clubs that had not. Third, government allocated only 3.78% of its budget and it reflects that importance of community sports is not well appreciated by government. Also, many corporations suffered from red-tape, which forced them to give up providing sponsorship. Therefore, unnecessary official rules and regulations should be minimized to promote healthy sponsorship. Fourth, media companies showed a very low interest in community sports events since a sponsorship issue has been a low profile among people and media companies always seek issues that can draw interest from people. Fifth, the major motivation of becoming sponsor(46.7%) is that corporations expect maximum public exposure with minimum cost spent. Some of the major driving force that motivate corporations to support community sports event and sports clubs are; 1)public exposure and better recognition of sponsor by public(46.7%) 2)consumer motivation and revenue increase(26.7%) 3)better recognition of sponsor's products(13.3%). In summary, corporations are willing to become a partner, in other words, a sponsor to sports clubs only if they see great business sense made. Thus, sports clubs are required to understand this nature and dynamics among corporations and government as a sponsor and clubs themselves and develop effective and workable programs to promote the sponsorship.
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The Relationship between Advertising Style , Attitude toward Brand and Purchase Intention for the Olympic Official Sponsor 스포츠산업 경영 : 광고 유형과 올림픽 공식스폰서의 상표태도 및 구매의도의 관계
39(2) 706-716, 2000
The Relationship between Advertising Style , Attitude toward Brand and Purchase Intention for the Olympic Official Sponsor 스포츠산업 경영 : 광고 유형과 올림픽 공식스폰서의 상표태도 및 구매의도의 관계
The purpose of this study was to identify relationship between advertising style, attitude toward brand(AB) and purchase intention(PI) based on level of Olympic involvement. In order to achieve this purpose, 308 subjects were recruited from Seoul and Cheonan campus of D university. Questionnaire and 15 seconds commercial exposure were used for the study. Olympic theme and general commercials for the same brand were used to compare advertising effect as a commercial stimulus. Questionnaire was made to measure Olympic involvement, AB, and PI.
For data analysis descriptive analysis, t-Test, paired t-Test, and simple regression analysis were used. Results are as follows; First, there was a significant difference between AB and PI based on the level of involvement; for both AB and PI, high Olympic involvement group had higher recognition than that of low Olympic involvement group. Second, there was a significant difference for AB between Olympic relating commercial and general ones; AB based on Olympic relating commercial was more recognized than that of general commercial. Third, there was a no significant difference between PI based on Olympic relating commercial and general ones. But it is noted that PI based on Olympic relating commercial was more positive. Fourth, AB for both Olympic relating commercial and general ones had a positive effect on PI in the low involvement group. These results were discussed.
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The Relationship between the Types of Authority in the Sport Organization and Organizational Effectiveness 스포츠산업 경영 : 체육 행정조직의 권력형태와 조직 효과성의 관계
39(2) 717-728, 2000
The Relationship between the Types of Authority in the Sport Organization and Organizational Effectiveness 스포츠산업 경영 : 체육 행정조직의 권력형태와 조직 효과성의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the types of authority in the sport organizations and organizational effectiveness through analyzing the organizational structures, organizational cultures, and organizational effectiveness. The data was analized through covariance structure analysis to test statistical significance with the significance level of .05. The major findings based on the data analysis were as follows. The results obtained from this study are as follows:
The analyses of the variables of the causal relationship between the types of authority and organizational structures, cultures and effectiveness show significant differences by the types of authority. Instrument has no direct causal relationship between organizational structures and organizational effectiveness, but has indirect causal relationship between them through organizational cultures, which have a direct influence on organizational effectiveness. The organizational structures and organizational cultures of Closed System and Autocracy have a direct influence on organizational effectiveness. The organizational structures of Meritocracy have a direct influence on organizational effectiveness; its organizational cultures have no direct influence on organizational effectiveness.
To synthesize the above-mentioned results, in every Type of Authority in the Sport Organization, positive organizational structures and cultures are important factors in the members' effective execution of their duties because these factors create a friendly atmosphere in which they can apply themselves wholly to their duties. And it can be concluded that the positive change of these factors help improve organizational effectiveness.
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A Study for financial self-sufficiency to develop Korean collegiate sport programs in 21st Century 스포츠산업 경영 : 21 세기 한국 대학 엘리트스포츠 재정자립 방안 고찰
39(2) 729-737, 2000
A Study for financial self-sufficiency to develop Korean collegiate sport programs in 21st Century 스포츠산업 경영 : 21 세기 한국 대학 엘리트스포츠 재정자립 방안 고찰
The purpose of this study was to find out the strategies to overcome the financial pressure of collegiate athletic program in Korea. Although collegiate sport program has an educational and social mission, it will be changed towards a more commercial approach to obtaining the financial resources necessary to meet its goal. Athletic departments have to expand their efforts to generate revenue from merchandising, licensing, and the media, and from external sources.
In order to have proper approaches for financial self sufficiency, there are three problems to be accomplished. First of all, it will be need the governing body for collegiate sport such as Korea Collegiate Athletic Association. Secondly, the non-revenue sport should be supported and promoted by profit from revenue-sport. Thirdly, the athletic department should be consist of more business oriented personnel to get self-sufficient from finanaal status.
There are several sport marketing strategies to overcome financial pressure of collegiate sport programs. Firstly, The effort for increasing brand equity of collegiate sport programs should be need. Secondly, collegiate sport programs will be at the forefront in the use of corporate sponsorships as a marketing tool. Corporate sponsorships will become a key ingredient in the marketing mix of collegiate athletics. Next strategy is using the effective fundraising program and finally organizing collegiate licensing programs for athletic department.
In conclusion, the financial self-sufficiency of collegiate sport programs will help athletic department to get rid of financial pressure. Also, the collegiate sport program will be a effective PR tools for university in competitive situation in the 21st century. And it will be come for the balanced development between revenue sport and non-revenue sport.
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A study of the cause and effect relationship among lifestyle , sport benefit , and sport consuming behavior in social influences 스포츠산업 경영 : 스포츠 소비행동에 영향을 미치는 각 변수간의 경로분석
오성기OhSung-Ki , 안창규AhnChang-Kyu
39(2) 738-750, 2000
A study of the cause and effect relationship among lifestyle , sport benefit , and sport consuming behavior in social influences 스포츠산업 경영 : 스포츠 소비행동에 영향을 미치는 각 변수간의 경로분석
오성기OhSung-Ki , 안창규AhnChang-Kyu
The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal models of relationship between sport consuming behavior and lifestyle and sport benefit in social influences. The subjects were 500 members of a privately owened sport club in Pusan, Korea. Three hundred four usable questionnaires were returned, resulting in a response rate of 61%. Factor analysis is used to identify the overall structure of club member's lifestyle and sport benefit. Factor scores are utilized to the causal models.
The main results were as follows:
1) There exists seven factors representing dimensions of sport participant's lifestyle, and exists four factors of sport benefit.
2) When multiple regression analysis is used to test the influence relationship between sport behavior and (a) lifestyle and (b) sport benefit, the combined effects of the variables were examined in the regression analysis. Of seven factors of lifestyle, only Fashion Conscious had positive influence on sport consuming behavior. Of four factors of sport benefit, Health Conscious and Skill Conscious had positive influence on sport consuming behavior.
3) Social influence had not directly influence on sport consuming behavior. But social influence was inderectly indicated the cause and effect relationship among lifestyle, sport benefit, and sport consuming behavior.
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A Study on the Golf Range Consumer's Post-Purchase Evaluation 스포츠산업 경영 : 골프연습장 이용자의 구매후평가 결정요인에 관한 연구
39(2) 751-760, 2000
A Study on the Golf Range Consumer's Post-Purchase Evaluation 스포츠산업 경영 : 골프연습장 이용자의 구매후평가 결정요인에 관한 연구
The best concerns of citizens in the high industrial society are found to be leisure. The consisted contents of this leisure are found to include all the sports. The environmental change surrounded all the sports is found to have a great value in spite of having the two sides between positive and negative positions in themselves-all the sports. All the leisures are highly estimated to be the industrial area spotlighting in the future society.
Especially, golf is found to have a publicized way in a lot of participations and considerations of all the people despite a difficult conditions. And then, the practice range of golf are found to have a lot of clients. In deciding the satisfaction of golf practice range and selecting the factors with main influences, the results of this study enforced to develop the management of golf practice range are as follows:
1. The clients of male are much more than those of female in the side of populations and sociological characteristics. And then, high educated and earned clients are found to have a high rate in using the golf practice fields.
2. What greatly effects on deciding the filed's satisfaction in the factor of services related on golf institutions is found to be the instructive ability of instructors included human service's factors. And then, the second effect is found to be the fitness of institution's scales included material service's factors. And then, the third effect is found to be the class's formation in the ability of exercise included system's factors.
3. The variable numbers included human, material, and systemic service's factors are found to make positive side decide the satisfaction of client's institutions, and then to be important in the direction of satisfactions.
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사회체육 : 대학생들의 성격특질과 스포츠활동 선호도간의 관계
김동선KimDong-Sun , 송효분SongHyo-Boon
39(2) 763-772, 2000
사회체육 : 대학생들의 성격특질과 스포츠활동 선호도간의 관계
김동선KimDong-Sun , 송효분SongHyo-Boon
In this study we analyzed relationships between Big-Five and the preference of sports activity. In order to prove such a research theme, we reviewed literatures about correlationship between the character pattern and sports activity. we used the Five - Factor Model of Personality : extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience which are generalized in the psychological as measurement scale for analyzing characters trait.
As a result, we found the correlation relationship between these two variables through statistical method as frequency analysis, T-test and correlation analysis. For the research, 360 students in Kyonggi University were sampled.
The important results induced by this study were as follows:
1) Most of students liked group sports more than individual sports. And they had a tendency to enjoy sports by watching TV. It was reflected that the sports activity was highly regarded as an essential part of the modern life.
2) Between man and woman, preferences of individual sports as jogging, swimming and challenging sports as rock climbing were analyzed that there were no significant difference. This finding was contrary to the traditional streotyping about character of male & female.
3) There was such tendency to seek various types of sports activities in case of students with extroversive character and opening character for one's experience, the five factor model of personality in all correlated group activity preference and frequency of exercise.
4) There were significant differences in preference between man and woman about the sports requisite for preliminary education. The male prefer the sports can be enjoyed without complicated preliminary exercise, where as the Female predominantly prefer the sports requisite preliminary education and training.
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The Effect of Life Satisfaction and Mental Health by DANHAK Training Participation 사회체육 : 단학 수련 참여가 생활만족 및 정신건강에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of life satisfaction and mental health by DANHAK training participation.
To achieve the purpose of the study, 294 DANHAK training participators were selected as subjects. The survey questionnaires were used to collect the data. The questionnaire that was used by park(1997).
The statistics selected in this study were descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and ANCOVA.
As a result of the analyses of collected data, the following conclusions were obtained:
Firstly, there was a significant difference in life satisfaction, mental health and DANHAK training participation by socio-demographic variables.
Secondly, there was a significant difference in life satisfaction and mental health by DANHAK training participation.
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사회체육 : 생활체육의 활성화를 위한 국방체육과 생활체육의 연계적 전략
39(2) 780-791, 2000
사회체육 : 생활체육의 활성화를 위한 국방체육과 생활체육의 연계적 전략
The purpose of this study is to command a view of the relation between Military sports and Sports for all in connectional standpoint and to grope for connectional strategy of them for activation of Sports for all on the basis of that. I analyzed related records to present connectional strategy from the point of view of social properties of Korea.
Here's the conclusion.
1. The connectional strategy of Military sports and Sports for all for the activation of sports for all.
1) We need to break from the existing Military sports which is agreeable and reinterpret it in wide conception to accept Sports for all.
2) We need to restore the Military athletic instructor's course of Athletic Military and Military Administration Complex and link with athletics of each of the Military academies and convert the functions of the Athletic Military into the Athletic Military Academy like the forces of developed countries.
3) We need to develop new sport which is friendly with natural and defence athletic environments of the military and emphasizes characters of the army, navy, and air forces.
4) We need to be free from closing, security, exhibition to throw open sport infra to the public. And for that, legal aid with close cooperation among the government departments must be the first.
5) We need to establish an Institute of National Defense Athletic Development, a system, which can prescribe policy of national defense athletics. In that institute, the polices, which connect school athletics with Sports for all in society through the equalization of physical equipment in the military, the development of sport program for the soldier prosperity and personnel rules for training and arranging instructors, have to be prescribed. It seems that the infra related to new sport is latent or is being develped in National defense athletics from environment and character of the military. The practical use of this given condition will be useful in that Sports for all is being converted into new sport these days.
Generalization in this view shows that mutual relation will be formed among the organizations in the domain of dependence and practical use of resources.
Consequently, it seems that cnnectional strategy between Military sports and Sports for all will be concluded in the compliance with the resource dependence theory which explains the relation.
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Improvement of Curricular for the Departments of Sport for All and Leisure studies in Korea
최성근ChoiSung-Keun , 심성섭ShimSung-Sub
39(2) 792-802, 2000
Improvement of Curricular for the Departments of Sport for All and Leisure studies in Korea
최성근ChoiSung-Keun , 심성섭ShimSung-Sub
In order to improve the organizational system and contents of the curriculum for the department of sport for all and leisure studies continuously according to the social demand, this study has carried out a theoretical research to investigate and inspect the actual. Conditions of the curriculum for the 2-year colleges(20 colleges) and 4-year universities(15 universities) in the nation and then has executed a research on the actual conditions to analyze the realities and types of the programs of the public(14 institutions) and private institutions of community sport and leisure(37 institutions) located in Seoul and its neighboring metropolitan area.
And to produce the leadership needed on the spot and the curriculum indispensably completed conclusively, this study has performed the interviews and questionnaire with the leaders working on the sport.
Therefore, the issue for securing the facilities has been come to fore as an important task related to the improvement for the educational course.
In synthesizing the questionnaire and interviewing contents gotten from the leaders working in the public and private institutions, they are pointing out that they should intensify the professional leadership for the theoretical and practical ability as a matter needed in the educational course much more than now, and also are insisting on carrying out concentratively the educational contents with the teaching method for community sport for all and leisure to educate both the theory and the practice harmoniously along with the organization focused on the on-the-spot experience learning for them to have the pride, a sense of duty and a sense of professionalism as a leader of community sport for all and leisure.
Finally, the curriculum of the department of sport for all and leisure studies should be improved to be generalized very much on the spot for community sport for all and leisure and also should be improved and organized as a curriculum to perform concentratively the professional practical item with a high social demand, and then the curriculum organization for the professional teaching method for community sport for all and leisure related to the I ask of teaching experience on the spot in time of being hired on the spot, the working capability, the practical training capability and the education of human nature should be intensified more than now.
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Motives for Participating in Leisure Sport Windsurfirg 여가레크리에이션 : 원드서핑 여가스포츠의 참여동기 분석
39(2) 805-819, 2000
Motives for Participating in Leisure Sport Windsurfirg 여가레크리에이션 : 원드서핑 여가스포츠의 참여동기 분석
The purpose of this study was to identify the motives and factor structures for participating windsurfing leisure sport, and to examine whether importance of various dimensions of participation motivation for windsurfing vary by gender, leisure sport involvement levels, perceived important of leisure sport. The sample for the study were 156 parti챠pants who were involved in three Summer Windsurfing School performed in July-August 1998, 1999, and a Lifespan Education Course in second semester 1999. Windsurfing Participation Motivation Questionnaire(WPNQ) consisted of a list of 22 possible reasons for involving in windsurfing. Each WPMQ item was rated on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree(1) to strongly agree(5). An exploratory factor analysis identified five factors: learning, social affiliation, catharsis, enjoyment, and health/fitness. Overall, participants placed the most importance on to learn windsurfing skill, the next highest rating were fun, opportunity to learn, to have new experience, and want to ride windsurfing. To examine gender, involvement level group, importance level group differences in participation motivation, one-way MANOVAs was conducted with the five participation motivation factor scores as dependent variables. MANOVAs indicated that gender, involvement level group, importance level group had significant effects on participation motivation for windsurfing. Males rated social affiliation reason significantly higher than females. High leisure sport participants perceived significantly higher on learning, social affiliation, catharsis, enjoyment, and health/fitness than did low leisure sport participants. Post hoc comparisons for perceived importance group showed that high important group rated significantly higher on social affiliation, and enjoyment than did medium importance group and low importance group.
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The Relationships between Limited Leisure of City-Living Housewives and Their Concentration with Family 여가레크리에이션 : 도시거주 가정주부의 여가제약 인지도와 가족응집도의 관계
이덕분LeeDuck-Bun , 김성희KimSung-Hee , 강유원KangYu-Won
39(2) 820-830, 2000
The Relationships between Limited Leisure of City-Living Housewives and Their Concentration with Family 여가레크리에이션 : 도시거주 가정주부의 여가제약 인지도와 가족응집도의 관계
이덕분LeeDuck-Bun , 김성희KimSung-Hee , 강유원KangYu-Won
It had been proved theoretically in this study that leisure constraint as perceived by housewives is major psychological barrier to leisure satisfaction and leisure satisfaction is the one and only variable predicting family cohesion and life satisfaction. The subjects of this study were 754 housewives who are 25 years old and over, living in Seoul metropolitan area. Subjects were selected by the strafied random sampling in order to meet the characteristics of subject samples those who are either actively or passively engaged in leisure activities.
Research instruments were devised by the researcher herself, pretested, and proved that contain content validity and reliability. They were Crawford et al's item Leisure Constraint Scale, Ragheb and Beard's LSS(Leisure Satisfaction Scale) background variables that the research herself developed.
The major findings of this study were that the most significant factors affecting the degree of life satisfaction of the middle class Korean housewives were family cohesion, leisure satisfaction and perceived leisure constraint. It was also found that the degree of family cohesion could be amelioliated by the leisure satisfaction that influenced by participant's socioeconomic variables such as income and educational backgrounds.
The results of the analysis are following:
First, the family togetherness can be affected by housewives' reverted characteristic.
Second, when the education level of housewives is higher in their achievement, the family togetherness is very strong.
Third, when the education level of housewives is higher, their adaptability with family shows in high increment, but that adaptability can't be affected by the limited leisure of them.
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The study on causual relationships between perceived leisure constraints , self-Identities and participation in leisure sports 여가레크리에이션 : 여고생의 여가제약 지각 , 자아정체감과 여가스포츠 참가 간의 인과분석
39(2) 831-844, 2000
The study on causual relationships between perceived leisure constraints , self-Identities and participation in leisure sports 여가레크리에이션 : 여고생의 여가제약 지각 , 자아정체감과 여가스포츠 참가 간의 인과분석
This study was focused to find out main effects influencing. In short, The purpose of this study is to investigate the causual relationship between perceived leisure constraints and participation in leisure sports of the youth.
This research based on the viewpoint like this constructed a hypothetical model by a study on the relationship between perceived leisure constraints and participation in leisure sports. Therefore, this study investigated the causal relationship among perceived leisure constraints, participation in leisure sports, self-identity and participation in leisure sports.
The Questionnaires about perceived leisure constraintse and self-identity are based on the scale of domestic previous studies using, and used them after examing validity and reliability though pilot test.
The methods of statistics used to analyze the collected dates are Multiple Regression Analysis, and Path Analysis.
Results obtained from this research were exposed to the caused relationship among perceived leisure constraints, self-identity and participation in the leisure sports.
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The Parents' View Toward Perceived Competence of Children with Developmental Disabilities 특수체육 : 발달장애아의 유능감 지각에 대한 부모의 견해
39(2) 847-857, 2000
The Parents' View Toward Perceived Competence of Children with Developmental Disabilities 특수체육 : 발달장애아의 유능감 지각에 대한 부모의 견해
This study is to identify the parents' view toward perceived competence of children with developmental disabilities. Subjects for this study consisted of residents of S city which parents had children with developmental disabilities in the six to fifteen age group. The sample number used in actual analysis was 605. The content of the questionnaire used for this research made up of twenty-four questions concerning the perceived competence of children(Harter, 1982). The reliability and validity of the questionnaire was confirmed based on a pilot test, a meeting of specialists, a calculation of Cronbach's α value, and factor loading value used in exploratory factor analytic technique. Cronbach's α value was .9362. In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSSWIN Version 8.0 program for statistical analysis, and was completed using frequency, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. 1) The parents' view toward perceived competence of children with developmental disabilities according to the type of disability, experiences of inclusive education of children with disabilities, experiences of inclusive physical education of children with disabilities(p<.05). 2) Frequency of parents' special education training, and year of inclusive physical education of children with disabilities influence the parents' view toward perceived competence of children with developmental disabilities(p<.05).